Wyoming might be the home of the first sodium cooled nuclear plant in the U.S.


$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Interesting article about Bill Gates leading an effort to build the first U.S. sodium cooled nuclear power plant in Wyoming.
Looking forward to hearing @OVERKILL thoughts on this.

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I’ll believe it when I see it. Just the mention of the word nuclear makes about half the population catatonic with terror
I can see the plumes from Catawba right now if I go outside. Only one of my kids was born with no brain. But - I'm blaming that on her mom, not nuclear.

When the world comes to terms with what really does work, and has been proven to work many times over, then we can scuttle all of this other nonsense (looking at you, Windies) and start working on nuclear again.
Supposedly the travelling wave reactor will reduce waste generation by 75% or more. It also has the potential to consume our current waste stockpile over time.
not even close to the same thing

edit: But I do agree that nuclear is the way.
Nuclear is part of the solution. I have supported it for quite a while. And yes, the sun is a huge nuclear fusion reactor. The solar panels on my roof make good use of it. And save me thousands of dollars.
If only they can find a big enough fault line to construct it over.


Seriously though, and somewhat changing the subject, I saw a YouTube video about a new microwave bases dril end that can melt through rocky layers. This suggest that there may be a new boom for geo-thermal plants worldwide.
I’ll believe it when I see it. Just the mention of the word nuclear makes about half the population catatonic with terror
You know I was glad to hear that news. But then thinking similar to you. I was wondering just how many lawsuits, protests and crazy things they will have to endure for years to see if the powers that be "at the time" even allow it to go forward. It is truly a shame that some things that can make great progress get either killed or side tracked for years and years by all these self promoted "activists" who do not care about the needs of the majority and only want to stop all progress they 'perceive" to be bad for all while most of them are in no way qualified to make those decisions in the first place. Near where I live there are lots of people who could use a really good plant or manufacturing type of job. Yet every time for the past 10-15 years companies invest in the land and plan to build facilities that will employ many with good paying jobs and tax monies to the communities , boom these "activists" come out of the woodwork and either try to or they do in fact bring lawsuits. Unreal but some have even admitted to doing this all in attempts to get class action suits going just to get a check! They care not one bit about all of the people who could benefit from these jobs etc.... they just hope to make these companies settle and offer a (the amounts are not even worth the time if you ask me) small pay check to thousands of people in the area. Some have settled and then built anyway while some really big projects just closed up and left the area for more business friendly communities.
In Texas they are moving forward with geothermal power generation. The state itself is investing megabucks in the technology. This is really the way to go when you think about it. California is already producing 5% of their power from geothermal.
Nuclear is part of the solution. I have supported it for quite a while. And yes, the sun is a huge nuclear fusion reactor. The solar panels on my roof make good use of it. And save me thousands of dollars.
Nuclear power is fission, not fusion.

Solar and nuclear power are two different things.

But you are right.