Working on cars, please be careful

Jul 15, 2018
illinois, usa
Last night, I got some devastating news from a real good friend. He was working at home on a car and got into accident, it kill him.
I am really hearth broken since he was a special friend. I consider him like a son and now I like to find a way to help the family: 3 kids all under 10.

The only idea that comes to mind is to set up a gofoundme page. If you can think of other ideas, it is greatly appreciated.
I’m very sorry for your loss.

A Gofundme is a good way to help the family. Better is to check in on them regularly and help where needed.

There will be a huge number of folks wanting to help in the first few weeks. When that tapers off, in a month or two, that’s when you can really make a difference.

And yes, please be careful working on cars. They can be deadly.
Very sad. and its not important now but not sure how this happens unless it fell sideways ?

I typically use only a jack on brakes and do 1 corner at a time..maybe one end on 2 jacks if on very flat surface(with wheel chocks at the other end) .
but I'm never "under the vehicle".

I have been known to throw the wheel under the car frame just incase.
I have a good friend who never knew her father, car fell on him before she was born. I think of this every time I jack mine up. :(

Best wishes for your friend's family, they are in my thoughts.
People wont like what I'll say. The kids mom needs to get an attorney today. To look the scene over TODAY. Don't put it off. Don't wait till after the funeral. Don't assume the circumstances of the accident. A good attorney will dig into things you and I cant comprehend.
Very sad and very scary also. My prayers for the family.

I am terrified of this happening to me, and this is why I try to do things like leaving the jack in place(not bearing any weight, but there) if the stand fails, as well as using multiple stands where possible. I also only get under the car if absolutely necessary-and it would be pretty unusual for me to do so with rear brakes unless I were messing with the lines or something like that.

Still, though, for ANY of us, all it takes is a momentary lapse.
So sorry, LazyDog. :(

I hate crawling under cars. My wife laughed at me the other day when she saw me trying to rock/shove a jacked up car off the supports. I reminded her of my cousin in law who got crushed under his pickup and sobered her up quick.

I jacked a car off my neighbors leg when I was around 13 or so. That made an lasting impression. On his leg, too.
Sorry for your loss. Agreed, be careful when working on cars. A friend of mine happened upon a neighbor who put the car on ramps, but through carelessness, the car rolled off and on top of him, killing him. From what my friend found out, he had disconnected the driveshaft, not realizing that if the parking brake isn't on and the wheels aren't blocked, the car is free to move.