Wolf’s Head Oil

Amalie bought Wolf's Head way back in 2006 from Shell. I think there was a blender located in Bradford PA because I remember driving though and seeing the tanks.
I heard they had a blender also in Pennsylvania somewhere but never looked into it. Good ole Pennsylvania crud was one of the best oils ever discovered.
If my movie lore is correct, I believe the Bluesmobile in “The Blues Brothers” only ran on Wolf’s Head motor oil.
Hey guys, I was at my local federated auto parts yesterday and the commercial manager told me about their promotion on wolf’s head oil.
They’re selling it at $4.39 / quart. Pretty good price, wanted to see what the general consensus was as I might stock up on this. Talking like 6-12 gallons or so as I do alot of oil changes in my business.

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Man I had to check my local Federated Auto parts store ad to see if this was on theee… Yep. Sure was.

Fisher Auto parts is in the Richmond area west of me by about 50 miles or so. I have driven up that way before just to get stuff from their store off Rte 301 south of Richmond.

And they have 2 year warranty East Penn batteries from $98… Not too shabby. And that was a group 24F battery at that. 3 year warranty batteries from $119… Again… Pretty doggone decent on that price.

As far as the oil being “ only “ API SN+… Well it was Dexos gen 2 approved has well so I’d bet it would possibly meet API SP anyhow. I’d buy it at that price too.
As far as the oil being “ only “ API SN+… Well it was Dexos gen 2 approved has well so I’d bet it would possibly meet API SP anyhow. I’d buy it at that price too.
Yes I agree with you BBHero, if it's Dexos1-Gen2, then It's very likely that it would pass API SP.
I heard they had a blender also in Pennsylvania somewhere but never looked into it. Good ole Pennsylvania crud was one of the best oils ever discovered.
It was blended and packaged in Reno and Oil City PA.
Pennzoil bought out Wolf's Head in the early-mid '60s, and ran it separately through WH's own distributor network into the '90s. Then, some PZL & WH sales and distribution operations were combined. Shell spun off Wolf's Head after buying out Pennzoil-Quaker State Co. about 20 years ago.

If my movie lore is correct, I believe the Bluesmobile in “The Blues Brothers” only ran on Wolf’s Head motor oil.
Maybe, but in "Neighbors" John Belushi tells Dan Ackroyd to use Wolf's Head Golden 30. "It'll never let you down." Fun movie. Belushi plays the straight guy, and Ackroyd plays the zany role. A reversal from their norm and their last project together I believe.