Wife's Pregnant!

Jul 8, 2012
Dickson, TN.
It's a boy!

We got married in April and she got pregnant at the first opportunity. Little surprise there - she's the eldest of 12 children and my biological father has at least 11.

First kid for both of us. Pretty cool, as we went from being in a long-distance relationship where she was 7.5 hrs away (northern Indiana), to getting married (though plans were pretty disrupted due to everything going on right now), to, now, expecting our first child!

We found out in May (she took a test and presented me with it one morning over coffee). A couple of weeks ago, she had her first appointment at her doctor, ultrasound, etc., and everything's good. We opted for a blood test that screens for any of about 5 different congenital/genetic abnormalities, and the test was negative for all, thankfully. A side bonus of the test (it was about $300, but worth it to us) was that we found out the gender much earlier than it can be detected by ultrasound.

She's about 12 weeks along now.

Last week was cool - we met my family (mom, sister, BIL, 8-year-old nephew and 6-year-old nephew) at the beach in Gulf Shores, AL. and surprised them with the news. Everybody was excited, I think, except the younger nephew. He's the jealous type and won't appreciate not being the "baby" and the center of attention anymore, when his cousin arrives, LOL!

I have to say thanks to you guys, especially Quattro Pete and Astro14, as I solicited advice on engagement rings and honeymoon destinations here, and y'all were a lot of help.

More good news came yesterday - I was notified that I'm being called back to work next month at my main job at Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services, Inc., here in Nashville (I, along with many others, have been on furlough status since early April, due to lack of airplanes to work on, since air travel has plunged so dramatically). So, that really put our minds at ease...although we're under no illusions that everything in aviation is hunky-dory now (far from it, really). I have to say, this latest downturn in aviation, which has been, probably, the worst in history, has had me considering other career options. I love working on airplanes, and being around them, but I don't like the instability. I have been very grateful for the opportunity, while furloughed, to drive for Amazon Prime.

Anyway, we're terrifically excited. We've both always wanted kids, and I can't wait for him to get old enough for us to start doing guy stuff together - running, riding bicycles, dirt bikes, wrenching on stuff, etc. And, most importantly, raising him right, and teaching him ALL about oil! I feel like, as a dad-to-be, I'm about to join a club that, of course, a lot of people are in, but it feels exclusive to me, and I puff my chest out a little bit just thinking about it!

Her due date is Jan. 31, 2021!


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Congrats man, these are about to be the best times of your life. Its a little tough at first, first 8 months are so are long nights, but once they start walking and talking it all changes. My 2.5 year old is a happy little ball of energy, he loves helping me fix the cars, check the oil in the snow blower, and mow the lawn. Enjoy it!
Congrats! My wife and I tried having a family but she is a type 1 diabetic and had a miscarriage after a very low blood sugar incident.
Your a good looking couple and will have smart good looking children.
Congratulations! There is nothing like it. We had our first this past February. The pregnancy was a roller coaster from the beginning and ended up with a long term hospital stay from 24 weeks to delivery. Both my wife and our child were very much at risk, but thankfully they made it to 36 weeks gestation. Our little one had a 1 week NICU stay before being discharged. It wasn't easy, but our little one is here safely. My wife is now having medical issues that may be related to the pregnancy. I do wish you both the best and pray for a safe delivery!
Congrats John!

Babies are the best. Just be careful because they can multiply quickly!

I wish my 4 were all little again. SO much easier IMO.

Hopefully the missus will be able to stay home with the baby?
Congrats John!

Babies are the best. Just be careful because they can multiply quickly!

I wish my 4 were all little again. SO much easier IMO.

Hopefully the missus will be able to stay home with the baby?

Yes, initially, that’s the plan! We do want him to have a good head start, though, so, preschool is definitely in the plan. So the wife plans to go back to work (and possibly school) at some point. As far as when and how, that’s up to her.
The people across the street have 2 little girls 5 and 7 . We have horses but they are not kid safe [imho not people safe] but the daughter rides them... So I brought them over to meet the neighbors across the street that have 3 very kid safe horses and the 5 year old asked me to lift her onto the bales of hay to touch the horses face ,,it was so amazing picking up a child ,,mine are 29 and 31 the little ones are such a treasure.
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Your post of " We got married in April and she got pregnant at the first opportunity. " reminded me of a close cousin of mine who had a honeymoon baby. And shortly after that one was born they topped that by having twins. Those kids are all grown up now, but I still remember the way he felt so surprise when he found out the twins were on the way. He said "I can't even put my shoes under her side of the bed without her getting pregnant".

Also, the 1st child will an angel, best kid ever you think, so you’ll have a 2nd. The 2nd child doesn’t give a flip about nothing, they are no limits soldiers who will leave you scratching your head. I’m still floored by the personality differences between my 2!
