Wife did a chicken yesterday

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Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Not to burst your bubble, but do some thinking on how its possible to sell a chicken for $5...

I don't know, how do they do it? You can buy whole frozen chickens at Wal-Mart for <$5. At wholesale prices I would think they could sell a cooked chicken at $5.
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I buy those whole frozen chickens once in a while.

We rinse them, then put a dry rub on them.

Into the electric smoker for several hours, and they come out better than any chicken I have ever tasted every time.
Originally Posted By: CharlieJ
Originally Posted By: IndyIan
Not to burst your bubble, but do some thinking on how its possible to sell a chicken for $5...

I don't know, how do they do it? You can buy whole frozen chickens at Wal-Mart for div>

You should watch Food Inc., it gives a brief look into how a $5.00 chicken is possible. Alot of corn subsidy and minimum wage labour make it work.
We raise our own meat birds outside on grass and the difference is quite noticable. The increased flavour, muscle texture, colour of the meat and fat, make it worthwhile. Check out a local farmers market or the internet for someone raising grassfed chicken near you, it won't be $5 a chicken (maybe $5/lb) but it tastes alot better and is better for you.
Last time I drove to my parent's place, I drove past wild emus, and field raised Bison.

as to $5 chicken, they are $4 over priced...market efficiency at work.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Last time I drove to my parent's place, I drove past wild emus, and field raised Bison.

as to $5 chicken, they are $4 over priced...market efficiency at work.

Well, the trend is to include more processing into food products so they can charge more. The food market has a relatively fixed level of consumption so a grocery store would rather sell you a bag of precut and seasoned potatoes at $4/lb than a sack of potatoes at $0.40/lb...
I am going to have a big party Saturday night...I am going to buy 10 cooked chickens from Target and bunch of other things there...Everybody will think I cooked all day...Hopefully they will all be happy campers.
Our local grocery store does $8-$10 cooked chickens, and they are pretty good - nice, easy way to get a good serving of meat w/o having to thaw/cook one on your own.

Also, you get enough left-overs from this to be able to do something like sandwhiches or chicken natchos the next day. We (wife and I) are big fans of this type of chicken.
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