Why Techron on a nearly empty fuel tank?

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Jul 7, 2008
If my understanding of the instructions are correct: It saids to pour content of Techron into a nearly EMPTY fuel tank and THEN immediately add gasoline--what is the point of this? Is this not the same as pour a the Techron into a FULL fuel tank???

o.O ?? ?

Also, is an oil change necessary after application ?
if the purpose is to have a concentrated blast of Techron, they why the instruction to REFUEL??
Yes, it's for fuel mixing. You can pour it in a 1/2 tank of gas, but fill it up after you pour it in for mixing. Then run the tank almost empty before you fill again. I believe instructions say to use every 3-4K.
Sometimes people ( bitog posters ) will use Techron in a near empty or half full tank for the purpose of having a more concentrated cleaner go through the system. YMMV

You might be confusing that with the instructions on the bottle which tell you to pour the contents into a near empty tank and then refill it. As everyone is telling you, that's so it gets mixed well, and that also creates the official factory recommended concentration.

No, an oil change is not necessary after using Techron, unless it's time for one already. Some people use fuel additives right before an oil change, that way if anything DID contaminate the oil it gets tossed with the old oil.
Not to insult anyone but, there is a check valve at the end of the fill tube going to the gas tank. Actually it's inside the gas tank. This is nothing more that a spring loaded flap which remains closed. Pouring anything down the fill tube will certainly not have enough force to open the flap. Driving around may allow the fuel system cleaner to slowly seep past the flap and get mixed into the fuel but, not ideal for proper mixing. Pouring the fuel system cleaner in first(wheather the gas tank is half full or completely empty) and then filling the tank is really the only way to PUSH OPEN the flap and allow for proper mixing. This is the whole reason for pouring the cleaner in first and then filling the tank.
Originally Posted By: mareakin
Is this not the same as pour a the Techron into a FULL fuel tank???

If the tank is already full, how will Techron fit in there?
Originally Posted By: mareakin
if the purpose is to have a concentrated blast of Techron, they why the instruction to REFUEL??

But that is probably not the purpose. Apparently it's not as much the issue of additive strength as it is the amount of flow. I'm guessing they don't want you to burn through it in a few miles but find it more effective to let it slowly do the work while it's traveling through your fuel system over several hundred miles (a full tank).

Also, I don't know the specifics of the Techron concoction, but maybe it doesn't offer enough lubricity to be used "full strength" - that is why they expect you to dilute it with gasoline.
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I have also heard about people who run it concentrated for a few miles and then go ahead and fill the tank. I have no idea if this actually helps or not. Like a lot of things people do to their cars, it's probably just another "feel good" move.
Originally Posted By: mechtech2
There MAY be a check valve in the filler tube.
And if there is, it is not a seal - the cap is.
A fluid will drain down it nicely.

You know mechtech2, your right! I wasn't thinking about that. And I must say that I don't really know wheather or not all gas tanks have a check valve/flap, just most of the ones that Im familier with have them. But as the OP has questioned,(pour entire contence into a nearly empty gas tank), I have read this on other fuel system cleaners as well. I makes good sence but Im sure that it's not entirely nessessary, as long as the cleaner mixes with the fuel. Following the directions will be of the highest benefit according to the MFG.
The only thing I dont like about Techron is the dosage. Even though I only get it when its free after rebate I'm still annoyed that a bottle is good for 12 gallons and the majority of normal cars are 14-15.
Originally Posted By: Char Baby
Not to insult anyone but, there is a check valve at the end of the fill tube going to the gas tank. Actually it's inside the gas tank. This is nothing more that a spring loaded flap which remains closed. Pouring anything down the fill tube will certainly not have enough force to open the flap. Driving around may allow the fuel system cleaner to slowly seep past the flap and get mixed into the fuel but, not ideal for proper mixing. Pouring the fuel system cleaner in first(wheather the gas tank is half full or completely empty) and then filling the tank is really the only way to PUSH OPEN the flap and allow for proper mixing. This is the whole reason for pouring the cleaner in first and then filling the tank.

yes this is very true.
Originally Posted By: Dyoel182
The only thing I dont like about Techron is the dosage. Even though I only get it when its free after rebate I'm still annoyed that a bottle is good for 12 gallons and the majority of normal cars are 14-15.

You do know they have 2 size bottles right? One treats up to 12 gallons and one treats up to 20 gallons.
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