Why are Chinese (Torch) spark plugs so bad?

Jun 5, 2003
Apple Valley, California
I think most of us have been bit hy a Chinese plug that just quit firing for no obvious reason I am to the point that I don't even bother with a new gas powered tool if it has one .

I will swap it out for a brand That has a better reputation be it ngk,ND,bosch even Champion or Autolite.

They seem to be able to make decent little engines. Why cant they make a spark plug?
Because they can? err, don't have to. They can save a cent, so they do.

I bet if whoever is doing the buying held their feet to a fire, they'd go a step better. But using a cheap plug to get OPE out the door is good enough for most buyers (the middle men), so why would they do any better than they need to?

Capitalism. Or something like that, given their climate.

My weed wacker at start of season didn't seem to run right. I noticed it had a Torch in it... quick Amazon order later for (whatever wasn't Torch) and now it's fine.
I've had at least three machines come with Torch plugs, none of them gave me any trouble. I've read all the horror stories though, so probably changed them out sooner than I needed to.
Saw a Chinese 4 wheeler where the Torch plug only made it through 4 hours of operation. Electrode went south.
I have Gen with torch about.500 hours that still starts first pull.

I have a pressure washer that was hard to get started. Put in NFK. No change. I have learned the correct starting procedure.

My Wen generator came with Torch. The manual lists both a Torch and NGK part numbers as the specs. I don't think I ever ran the Torch.

I picked up a Briggs and Stratton labeled plug at Walmart one time for my lawn mower - I replace them every spring. I figure it was just a brand labeled Champion. Only time my lawn mower didn't run properly. Literally NFG out of the box. Probably was a Torch also.
I've also been bitten by a couple of torch plugs. One was brand new that came with a carburetor and fuel line kit. It took a while to figure out why it STILL didn't run right or start worth a darn. Replaced with an NGK ran like a top. I've had the same bad experiences with SAP sparkplugs also - those are pure garbage.
Quality NGK or Denso plugs are relatively inexpensive compared to other car parts, last a long time, and plugs can be difficult to change. Why would anyone waste time and money on Chinese plugs on a car they intended to drive?
Quality NGK or Denso plugs are relatively inexpensive compared to other car parts, last a long time, and plugs can be difficult to change. Why would anyone waste time and money on Chinese plugs on a car they intended to drive?
I think they are talking about the Torch branded Chinese plugs that come in all the Honda knock-off engines these days in power equipment, not replacement plugs for cars.

I've seen a handful of Torch plugs on Predator engines fail, but since a handful is way more than any other brand I'll replace them with a better plug if I come across a piece of equipment or a new re-power engine with a Torch.
Had a generator come in the other day, customer stated that it would only run for a few seconds and then die. Verified the complaint and pulled and inspected the carb, all good. Problem still exists but with adding choke I can keep it running for a minute or two. Pulled the Torch plug and replaced it with a NGK. Issue eliminated, happy customer.
NGK and Denso. I have a guilty fascination with Bosch plugs but realize I have to buy a European vehicle to put them in.
My 2 cycle ope that came with Torch plugs almost always had difficulty starting and running properly. Fixed it by substituting a regular NGK plug. My MTD snow blower came with a Torch plug and was tough to start and didn't like deep heavy snow. Again I swapped it to a regular NGK plug and it starts on the first pull runs through the deep heavy snow without any issues. Last year I bought a cheap Sportsman Inverter 800W generator. Before running it I swapped out the Torch plug for a plain NGK. The Torch plug was black soot from the factory.
Power went out the other day, so I pulled out the Predator 5500/6500 Generator that's been in storage for the past two years. Tried to start it and nothing... Pulled the original plug and tried to spark test it, also noting. Great timing for this thread. Looking for a replacement as I type, thanks for the reminder!
Why are they bad? Made from Chinesium. It's an alloy made of leftover castings and flashings. One day a good mix, another day's mix?
HF chipper/shredder with Predator engine and torch plug was a pia to start. NGK plug fixed the hard starting issue.