where to buy alcohol fuel for heat

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Jan 14, 2014
The only alcohol I see for sale is gallons at home improvement places typically $12- $18.

I get the impression that alcohol used in gasoline is cheaper than the gas, so the pure gas is more expensive.

Why is the cost of alcohol so high? Does anyone know where to buy alcohol at prices similar to he price per gallon of gasohol?
At home improvement places it can't have much if any water because it's used to dissolve shellac and it will be cloudy if it does.

It's often used for marine stoves, you might call a marina/boat supply place to see what they have.

Or, see if you can burn the higher moisture content alcohol in the pharmacy section of a discount store. This works in tin can backpacking stoves, not sure what you're using this in.
lets get a little more specific on the type of alcohol you are looking for.

the stuff they blend with Gasoline is Ethanol, or grain alcohol. it's the same stuff that's found in your beer, whiskey, vodka,Rum, etc. basically undiluted moonshine. the stuff that you have to be 21 to buy, and gets you drunk.

The stuff in the pharmacy section is Isopropyl alcohol. this should not be consumed. most stores carry 2 strengths, 70%(30%water), and 90%(10%water) either will burn, but @ around $1/pint($8 gallon) not what you are looking for.
this is the same stuff sold back in the auto department as fuel Drier (HEET, ISO-HEET come to mind)
- interesting sidebar for anyone who ever wondered why isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol has an expiration date. it's because it oxidizes into acetone(Nail polish remover)as it's exposed to air.

are you sure it's alcohol you want and not Kerosene?
yes, often used in marine stoves. Ethanol with a trace of poison to make it undrinkable, called denatured alcohol.

It's a very clean safe fuel and it seems like I should be able to buy it for $2-3 a gallon, not 10 or 15.
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