What's Wrong With Shaving Against The Grain?

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I'm surprized that no one has mentioned using their favorite motor oil as a after shave!

I do the double whammy in the shower (with/against).

Originally posted by Pablo:
I now have a mild interest in shaving my legs. No, I guess not.

At least I have an excuse, I'm a bicyclist. For whatever that's worth.

Actually I ran into an Army Ranger that shaves from the arm pits down, so I did't feel so gay just doing my legs.

BTW, it's the greatest thing since sliced bread no wonder women do it. I can't not see myself doing it now. I looked like a Monkey before.

Fortunately I don't have any back hair. I would shave that for sure if I did.
truly disturbing.

that said, shave in the shower. edge gel seems to work best for me.

like xs650 said, rough pass with, finish pass against. touch up after shower.

i used to shave my head as well (now i just use clippers once a week, but it's **** near bald, maybe 1/16"). i used the same method shaving my head and never had any real problems (outside of being short, bald, and homely.)
After a shower.

Once with the grain, so that I don't leave a heap in the basin, and then once against the grain.

If I've got something important that evening, repeat.

(Still got all my wisdom teeth too)

Originally posted by XS650:
With the grain for the rough cut, then against the grain for the final cut. Seems to work better than just against the grain and is more comfortable.

Same here. I do it this way every day, preferably right after a hot shower. But I make sure to give my beard a break from shaving at least one day of the week. It seems to like it.

Just shaving with the grain is not enough for me. It still feels rough afterwards.

I have had a few ingrown hairs over the years, but generally it's OK. I think I'd rather shave every day than go through PMS once a month.

Originally posted by Terry:
I never dreamed that tribology and lube studies would get to the shaving arena but Jelly has taken us there. This site truly is amazing in scope..

Well the Cf of the zinc coated multi blade razor set at a 45' angle utilizing a 1.25cSt lubricant does seem to work well for me. With the grain or against.

I have lots of Native American blood and little facial hair.


Your at work to much, relax man, no need for all the technical talk here, this is the general chat area.
I tried GC but it's so "slick" that I couldn't cut even one whisker with a new blade! I switched to dino for shaving.

I've always heard that it's easier to nick yourself shaving in or after the shower. Softens the skin too much. I use a hot cloth to hold on my face for a minute. Lather up, then shave with the grain. I then get a tiny drop of shaving lotion and spread it on again. Then I shave against the grain. Perfect close shave every time without nicks or pulling hairs against the grain.
Let me tell you something about Nair. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT get kinky with this stuff while showering with your girlfriend/wife. It WILL remove any hair it touches....
talk about itching....

Originally posted by Schmoe:
Let me tell you something about Nair. Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT get kinky with this stuff while showering with your girlfriend/wife. It WILL remove any hair it touches....
talk about itching....

Personal experience I suppose

I'm an end of the shower, gel user. I'm lucky I guess, even though I'm in my 30's I don't have much facial hair and only need to shave every third day.
But when I do, I go sideways then up; - my cleft chin is a slightly challenging though.
[/qb][/QUOTE]Personal experience I suppose

Whimsey [/QB][/QUOTE]

Brother, you don't know the half of it. But I will say this...it was fun.......until I sobered up.

like xs650 said, rough pass with, finish pass against. touch up after shower.

That's my technique in the shower. The thing is ..I imagine that a few of you have "hurricanes" on at least one part of your beard. I have one below the jaw line. Against the grain is a multi-axis operation. I've tried triple and quad blade razors ..but typically use a cheap two blade disposable for economy.

I can't win any beauty contests now anyway
First of all, I only shave in the shower. I have a anti fog mirror. I don't use shaving cream either, don't need it. I get my face really hot with the shower watere and start shaving, even with 2 days growth there isn't any pain or rash that I get. I think shave gel is way overrated.
I think the razor and gel/creme makes a big difference. Using Gel and a Mach3 I've never had a cut or burn, but I to don't have much facial hair.

I think having a full head of hair makes up for not being able to grow a full beard.


Originally posted by Pablo:
I shave my back.
Girls dig it.

I go to my friend's salon and get my back waxed a couple of times a year. The ladies there think it's very entertaining.

I go with the grain on my face, against the grain on my neck where the whiskers are thicker. Only way to get it smooth.
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