What's Missing from this CV Joint?

Dec 5, 2003
New England, USA
This is a 'Premium/OEM' rear axle from our Boxster S. Started knocking badly at ~190 miles, so I had it towed to a friend's shop. It would drive a few miles then start knocking and binding. We ordered Porsche OE and the vendor gave full credit for both axles although only one failed.

Opened up the failed one and this; insufficient grease to the point where 4 of the 6 rollers were minimally lubricated or running completely dry. Note the heat temper color of the driest bearing. The CV joint itself appeared to be of good quality, the person who assembled the axle, not so much... Looks like it was partially cleaned, but it wasn't.

Porsche OE are ~$1k/ea, but I'm tired of the aftermarket parts battle.
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