Whats Good To Get Rid Of Ants

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Apr 26, 2008
Miami Beach
My condo like my all my neighbors is being overrun with ants to the point of getting bites on our legs and arms. The exterminater has been out but as soon as he leaves their back. They are coming in from the sink drains,under the doors,windows and everywhere.They are all on the banisters,catwalk and in the laundery rooms. I believe the monsoon rains in the afternoon is partly to be the cause of this. Living in the Miami area is just like living in a jungle in the summertime. In fact most cars if they sit for more then a few days they get ants in them. I fell like I am losing my mind.

I have been spraying allot but the smell is making me sick and making my eyes burn. But the spraying is doing very little.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
It depends on the type of ants your getting. There are so many different varieties. The only ones i know that bite are the Red ants. I was getting a bunch of black ants inside my house, and the exterminator sprayed a product called Termidor on the outside of my house, and after about a week they were gone.
cover the sink drains when not using it and get some of that ortho stuff that you spray around the side of walls and door frames (the stuff that is suppose to last a few weeks).
Maybe if he sprays the Ortho all over himself the ants will lay off.
Of course, mori is kidding. And you knew that. Just wanted to make sure, as it sounds like you may just be desperate enough to try anything at this point.
Originally Posted By: oilyriser
there's a bird up here that raids anthills, and gobbles them up as they come out

Probably it's a Colaptes auratus, a spotted woodpecker.
set out a bunch of terro.
the way they go for that stuff here it must be crack to them.
just have to put up with thousands of them visiting the bait till enough die off tho crash the colony.
When we get the little black blighters, I use one part white sugar, one part cheap honey, and 1/2-1 part powdered yeast.

Safe for the pets and children.

Ants eat it, then when the sugar reaches the right moisture level in their guts, it starts to ferment...and they don't (apparently) have a burping mechanism.
I have used those little plastic anti ant devices.
They come 4 to a box, and are pretty cheap - various brands are available. About 2 inches square, 1/4 inch deep.
The ants feed on them and return to the nests below, and die and kill all the rest.
All you do is lay them down where you have a problem. It clears up really fast. A couple of days and there is a tremendous reduction or elimination of the ants.
This is for a commmon 'house' ants that like to live under/around concrete sidewalks.
But they really work well.
Originally Posted By: wantin150
What kind of ants?

Fireants respond well to the Bayer FireAnt killer.

All I know they are super tiny black ants. I heard they might be called no seam ants though when I looked it up I get no info on it.
OK so We don't know what they eat. Are they carnivorous? if you have seen them foraging on insect bodies or meat scraps they are and you can use a spinosad bait that they will take back to the nest and cause a good die off. another trick is Diatomaceous earth, spread it around the outside edges inside your house. Harmless to you but it shreds insect exoskeletans and any ant that enters over it will di from desication. http://www.dirtworks.net/Diatomaceous-Earth.html
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