What is going on with my battery? leaks...weak...

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The final result:

I purchased a Deka-made "OE Exact fit" flooded group 49. It has the venting in the proper location near the positive terminal instead of in the middle of the cell like the Interstate, the handle doesn't get in the way and it fits perfectly (unsurprisingly).

A major point that I would make is that this flood cell has individual round cell caps that you twist out with a coin. These caps have one (maybe two) O-rings and make a tight seal. They squeak when you twist them out. The Interstate snap in caps had no rubber or seal material of any sort and were just plastic-in-plastic. I think a real rubber seal will obviously keep things inside a lot better. If you're shopping for a battery - do yourself a favour and get one with these sealed, twist in caps. They aren't "all the same" and it deserves a tiny bit of "agonizing".

In sub-freezing weather the new battery (rated at 900 or 950CCA - spec sheets vary) cranks very noticeably faster and holds a higher terminal voltage while cranking than any time I can recall in the past on other batteries. Hopefully it will also have a long service life too.

(Here's where we find out if there actually is a weird problem with my car "waking up" every hour while parked or something and this new battery will just go dead too - fingers crossed).
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