What does everyone on here do for a living?

College is a waste. Spent 2 years in college for AVIONICS. Class started with 22 people, and only 6 of us made it to the end, and only 4 got jobs in the field. I wasn't one of those 4. Once COVID hit - many in the field lost jobs, with huge decline in Aviation industry. Now I'm glad I never got in the field I studied for.

Currently work at a glass factory, making fiber-optic cable for the 5G giants. I fix and maintain the equipment that makes it all happen (and fix endless human errors along the way). "Technical Support Technician" is the official job title.
Medical equipment field for a manufacturer.

I‘ve met lots of folks with avionics background from military in my field. Lots of non aviation jobs with that kind of background and training.
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Well I used to be a "Technical Writer " for Frontier Airlines but due to covid and an overworked and bad management got the boot along with quite a few others. I'm now working for an appartment complex as a maintenance tech.
College is a waste. Spent 2 years in college for AVIONICS. Class started with 22 people, and only 6 of us made it to the end, and only 4 got jobs in the field. I wasn't one of those 4. Once COVID hit - many in the field lost jobs, with huge decline in Aviation industry. Now I'm glad I never got in the field I studied for.

Currently work at a glass factory, making fiber-optic cable for the 5G giants. I fix and maintain the equipment that makes it all happen (and fix endless human errors along the way). "Technical Support Technician" is the official job title.
college is often a waste. for me, it was not. if you choose a degree that actually gets you a good job ... comp sci, medical, engineering, nursing, etc., you probably end up doing pretty well in the long run.