What cherry variety?

Dec 7, 2012
Dad and I were sitting out back and looking at my one tree. I’ve known it was a cherry but always thought it was a wild cherry cause I can’t remember there being sizable fruit on it.

Looking today we see these gorgeous cherries and I said I’m gonna try one. Tried it and they were delicious. Tree’s gotta be about 30 years old at least. Trunk is a good 10”-12” wide.

Any one got an idea what variety this might be? We’re thinking maybe Rainer? I am in Western New York so I bounce between 5-6 heartiness zones. Flesh is yellow ish pinkish.

We ate sat around eating cherries for a couple hours this afternoon. These are the moments my friends!

Not Rainer - they are much lighter

All I can say it's a red cherry

I work in produce and I don't know
Why? I don't think I've rinsed ANY fruit before eating. Cherries, grapes, berries, tomatoes, etc.
When you pick them off a Tree? The Supermarket is another story!

Yeah I’ve never washed anything from my trees. Pears, apples, plums, etc. black berries tomatoes. Now if there’s a big bird sheet on it then that’s a different story but what I eat is clean to the eye. I’m not eating a pile of dirt.
They're too red to be Rainier's.

I think there are 40 different varieties of cherries. Just eat them and enjoy them.
I think Royal Anne are even more yellow, well the tree I had was.

Those from OP are maybe a hybrid - unknown. Indeed eat and enjoy!

I know that when ripe they're yellow, but there are plenty of images of them almost solid pink depending on the growing conditions or when they were picked. I've never seen a Rainier that didn't have a light red/yellow fade, even if it was only a little bit of yellow.