What are you watching in YouTube?

It's amazing to watch this guy work. A trip to his place and back is worth the extra half-day or so if you're ever near Reno.

Alby Mangels! I watched his Adventure Bound series on the travel channel back in the 90’s and his doco’s helped fuel my love of travel and adventure. He’s truly a pioneer of the adventure documentary genre.
This is a great interview going over his ups and downs and it culminates in his realization of true success and happiness.
I've been watching alot of Gearz- Stacey David lately. Watched him 20 years on TNN? Bunch of other channels but I'm getting more selective. I don't care for drama, or buying stupidity.
I don’t care how fast any electric car is, when it comes to hours on end of racing at top speed, the connection between a driver and their machine, and that awesome sound, you cannot match the thrill of an I.C.E. race car. Ladies and gentlemen, the lap of the gods.
Rodney Dangerfield on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno at the MGM in Las Vegas.

Rodney lights it up until the end (end was lame). Rodney just has the goods when it comes to comedy:
