What are you reading right now?

Yesterday I finished my yearly re-read of Atlas Shrugged. Today I’m reading “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich“ by Solzhenitsyn. Putin looks like he is going to be the next Stalin. I generally get classics from my local library, some good book ideas here though….
I read the Hot VW magazine every weekend usually. Especially when there is a new edition out. Currently reading the March edition. It’s about classic VW, my thing. Also read Haynes repair manuals currently reading one about our Jeep Cherokee. I read those cover to cover slowly but finish them eventually.
There was a magazine dedicated to the Nissan Z that I was going to get a subscription of many years ago, but I think it eventually folded. Can't remember the name of it. I think it was a small indy magazine.
Last book I read was "Indian in the Cabinet" by Jody Wilson-Raybould
Put a hold on Stephen Hunter's latest, "Targeted", a few weeks ago at the library. I was 32nd or so on the list. They contacted me last Monday to say it was in. Picked it up, blazed through it, and returned it early Wednesday. Far from Hunter's finest, but he had set the bar very high in the past, so this one was still a very good read. Any other Bob Lee Swagger fans here?

Then read an old Stephen White, "Privileged Information", which was pretty good. You can tell it's an older book when at one point the protagonist disables a car by removing the distributor cap.

We've watched five of the Netflix series based on Harlan Coben's novels, and I'm now rereading "The Innocent" to compare it to the series.

Miserable weather here, so lots of reading time!

300 pages into this and I am enjoying. Never got around to reading Steinbeck because I’d always heard he was a socialist (not trying to get political, just not my thing) but this so far has been anything but. Even had a chapter detailing the dangers of collectivism and the merits of individualism. Full of old timey wisdom, classic themes of good v evil and redemption.
I'm currently reading the George Elliot novels. I recently finished Adam Bede and the Mill on the Floss, Just started Middlemarch. I tend to read authors like this. I'll read all the Thomas Hardy or Charles Dickens novels in chronological order. I've read them all before but enough years ago for me to have mostly forgotten the plots. I should read more new material but the classics are classics for a good reason and their excellence has passed the test of time.
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300 pages into this and I am enjoying. Never got around to reading Steinbeck because I’d always heard he was a socialist (not trying to get political, just not my thing) but this so far has been anything but. Even had a chapter detailing the dangers of collectivism and the merits of individualism. Full of old timey wisdom, classic themes of good v evil and redemption.
The Jungle is a great book written by a socialist.
Yesterday I finished my yearly re-read of Atlas Shrugged. Today I’m reading “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich“ by Solzhenitsyn. Putin looks like he is going to be the next Stalin. I generally get classics from my local library, some good book ideas here though….
Atlas Shrugged is a long book to reread yearly. Guess it goes quicker after the first read.

I'm finishing up 1Q84 and then back to the Master and Margarita. Might reread Heart of Darkness in between.
FOURSOME: Alfred Stieglitz,Georgia O'Keeffe, Paul Strand and Rebecca Salsbury. " The two artist couples who helped start American Modernism." I grew up in New Mexico so I can relate to time the artists spent in the state.