What are you doing right now?

Just left Best Buy. It sure is a shame that they are doing away with physical media. We went in there and there was one small rack of movies. I asked the employee where the CDs were he said as soon as the announcement was made some guy came in and bought every single CD and Album and quite an assortment of DVDs too. Probably to resell. He also said since the pandemic their sales have gone down the drain because everyone is buying online now. I said I believe that unfortunately it’s true. I hate online shopping unless I know exactly what I’m buying. I enjoy talking to employees at the stores. He said it was the year with the fewest holiday returns too in the 23 years he has worked there. The place was also a ghost town I’ve never seen it that empty. They didn’t even have the check outs open you had to go to the service desk to check out. I never liked Best Buy because of their outrageous prices but I don’t want to see any retailers going out. I kinda got the feeling Best Buy will be one of the next to go under.
Just left Best Buy. It sure is a shame that they are doing away with physical media.
Sign of the times. Why have physical media, no one uses that, eh? I try to keep an eye open when I hit the flea markets, look for anything I might like. Of course, I'm old enough that I now think no good music will ever be made, etc etc etc, so I have a chance at finding all the albums I might be interested in. :)

Winding down my 2 week vacation. First week was kinda miserable, wasn't used to not having my day centered around work. Last week has been nice, not doing anything. Almost (but not quite!) itching to go back to work. Weighing out if I want to commute in tomorrow, or stay home: do I ramp back into the grind in my pj's or make the hour trek in? What new habits do I want to do this year? last year didn't work so well for me, so I'm trying to figure out best path forward, and I suspect something that starts my day earlier, so I can turn it off earlier, is better.

Doing a bit of car shopping, just not convinced I want to spend a couple grand on something worn out, or a few more for something not as worn out... rough looking. I'm headed back to thinking I "need" a fourth vehicle as while it was nice to carpool with my son, his class schedule wasn't working very well for my work-life separation. Starting at 9, ending at 3-5, going home to work a few hours after dinner... not sure I want to do a repeat. Wondering if my sanity will do better if I just eat the cost of another vehicle, and yet more gas bills.
Just finished the annual bougainvillea cut back and once again did not emerge unscathed. Out of 22 years, I think I've only had one year where it hasn't drawn blood. Wicked thorns these things have.
We are just cruising around town. This is a weird New Year’s Day nobody out and about and it’s been this way all day. I guess people are just staying home. Me and dad have been talking about that. We just find it so strange how dead it is. I guess everyone is watching football and movies at home lol. I know I certainly could not stay home all day without going crazy unless it was baseball season then I could. Hopefully it’s like this all week though so that way I don’t catch any red lights on the way to work lol. I know people who are off this entire week too I sure wish I was lol. In my opinion we should be but they didn’t ask me lol. Anyone else observing the same in their areas? I guess it’s a sign of the times that people are staying home more too.
I go back to work soon, so need to get used to getting up at 3am again. So today I set my alarm for 3am, got up, and took my pup for an 8 km fast walk. Back home now, and made us each a bowl of mixed fruit for breakfast, grandma, fiance, and I.
I’m at work it’s kinda slow so I’m on the computer planning vacation. Thinking the week of July 22nd-26th. Because the Padres will be playing in DC and Baltimore that week. So now time to pick hotels and tickets for those cities and see what ends up being cheaper. Probably DC will be slightly cheaper. And then again we may go to a completely different MLB stadium too I’d really like to go to St. Louis but that’s a bit far. Or Boston which is also a bit far. I’m so ready for baseball to start back up. I’m getting an itch again lol.
Ordered a new thermostat for a neighbor womans Tacoma, and when it arrives will install it for her.
She walked over this morning to ask me if I knew why her heaters not putting out much heat.
I took it for a 15 minute drive, the temp gauge needle barely moves, and when i stopped and put my hand on the thermostat housing it was just warm after a 15 minute drive.
Going to work on dad’s truck. I really hadn’t planned on working on anything especially in 30 degree weather lol. It’s pulling air into the fuel system after he changed the fuel filter so I have to use my mechanic skills and fix it tonight cause he has to work tomorrow. I’m gonna make him buy me some Taco Bell for this lol. I have been craving Taco Bell for a week now just been scared to tell him that.
Going to work on dad’s truck. I really hadn’t planned on working on anything especially in 30 degree weather lol. It’s pulling air into the fuel system after he changed the fuel filter so I have to use my mechanic skills and fix it tonight cause he has to work tomorrow. I’m gonna make him buy me some Taco Bell for this lol. I have been craving Taco Bell for a week now just been scared to tell him that.
Sure you didn't loosen the fittings so you could hatch a plan to get some Taco Bell? 😂
Ate dinner, now snuggled up on the couch with my fiance, still watching old fights on tv.
Wishing, and dreaming about it being me in the cage with Jones, Aspinall, or Reyes, preferably many fights against them behind me now. My coach used to want me to lean down to 205 and fight light heavyweight, but I didn't want that. I felt in my prime at around 220 to 230 fighting weight, and wanted to take on the big men, the heavyweights.
Feeling like a failure that I gave up on my dreams.
I loved training to be in the cage, but nothing felt as good as fight night and stepping into the cage. Sparring alone was such an incredible experience, but real fights, that was the high.
Instead I drive truck, not even a personal trainer, much less a champion fighter.
I sold out on myself, and today its haunting me more than usual is all.
I’m eating some Combos and reading this thread that one member constantly taunts me in and posts negative things aimed towards me. We are riding out to get some dinner. And also been looking at vacation places too. I already got my week off scheduled for July so plenty of time just want to get reservations and tickets. Probably going to go to DC or Baltimore most likely DC though. All the MLB teams seem to be in dangerous cities lol.
Right now sitting in my chair digesting dinner, while watching tv. But today I got in an 8 km walk, swam 0.6 kms, 90 minute gym workout, flushed out 2010 tacoma cooling system and replaced thermostat in it, washed my pickup at the spray booth, vacuumed the house floors, did a load of laundry and changed the sheets and pillow cases on my grandmother's bed and my bed, dusted some, and spent too much time on an oil forum.
Just getting home from work. Going to the gas station really quick to get a drink and then coming back to eat the Chinese food dad got for me. Reason I’m so late is my apprentice Danny wanted to put struts and sway bar end links on his car. There was so much rust even with 3 people we were there 4.5 hours mainly trying to get stuff off. I’m worn out now. Going to eat my Chinese food, take a shower, watch an episode of SpongeBob and then go to bed.