War is Peace (article)

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Jan 13, 2004
War Is Peace
By James Bowden

More war in Iraq means more peace in America. If there’s still fighting ten years from now, it’s better than cut and run. If there are casualties every month, they’re fewer than the U.S. would lose fighting where the enemy chooses the battlefield. The Iraq War is really just a battle in a very big, terribly long WW IV. The Islamists are the enemy.

Islamists number more than Germany and Japan put together in WWII. World-wide Islam breeds more Islamists every day. So, WW IV will continue until Islam has a Reformation and Enlightenment, converts or renounces conflict totally. Achieving any victory condition will take decades, if not centuries. Islamists started the war. They’ll keep fighting regardless. America shouldn’t make a ‘Spanish Peace’ – which is appease today and surrender tomorrow.

Last year I wrote ‘The Long Hard Peace’ for Iraq was an uncertain peace at best http://www.gopusa.com/commentary/jbowden
/2003/jb_0421. shtml or http://www.bushcountry.org/news/
columnists/jbowden/c_041603_jbowden_ long_hard_peace.htm Events are playing out as expected. So, expect several Army divisions in Iraq for a decade – or more. The challenge isn’t the skill and courage of our U.S. Army, but the Will of the American People. The questions that bleed or bolster willpower deserve truthful answers, like these ‘buts’ about our fighting in Iraq…

But, fighting is a diversion from the war against the terrorists, like Osama Bin Laden. . No, don’t underestimate the resources of the Armed Forces. Fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq aren’t mutually exclusive. The Occupation of Iraq demands much, but eliminating Saddam Hussein was a huge blow to terrorist networks and Iraq as a state threat. Regime change in Iraq serves as an object lesson for terrorist sponsors, like Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi.

But, fighting creates new Muslim warriors. No, neither strength nor weakness produces Islamists. Simple, devout interpretations of the Koran produce Islamists. Our mere existence as a state - not subjects under the Sharia - creates Jihad for many Muslims.

But, fighting is suppressing the Iraqi People. No, the Sunni minority, who are Baathists, and Shiite majority are trying to capture the new Iraq with arms. They can be suppressed enough, bought off, and played off if our Occupation is skillful.

But fighting creates an endless cycle of violence, new enemies and being bogged down like Vietnam. No, actual fighting wins or loses only a local situation. Fighting is a means to effect the ends - Will. So, every military action is a political event. Every political event has an information outcome. The outcome is the story that builds or breaks the enemy Will. Our Coalition must fight with a plan for every outcome as a story.

But, fighting isolates - us from European Allies. We’re losing Allies. Yes and no. Fighting separates us from Europeans who are too weak to defend themselves, too impotent to even reproduce their population, too secular to challenge Islamic conversions with Christian evangelism, too fearful to staunch or decrease their Muslim minorities. These Nations, who commit suicide, deserve to die. Others, who know they still have fighting men, are Christian, and remember totalitarianism enough to hate it, will fight as our willing Allies.

But, fighting isolates us from the World Community. No, there is no World Community. There are the chattering liberal elites who enrich themselves through the United Nations, foundations, universities, and the media. The World will hate, love, fear and envy – simultaneously - our American Imperial Republic throughout this phase of history. Enough of the World will follow the wise exercise of American power wed to American Will

But, fighting doesn’t protect the U.S. Homeland. No, the best defense is a good offense. Fighting in Iraq protects the U.S. by killing more Islamists faster, further from home. Yet, no defense is perfect.

But, fighting isn’t worth American lives. No, every American death is worth winning WW IV. WW IV is a fight for our freedom, our faith and our American Civilization.

But, fighting will cost too many lives for too many years. No, the price is worth the final peace in victory. Freedom from Islamist barbarian rule is worthy of a war for centuries.

‘War is Peace’ sounds so Orwellian. Except, this isn’t Big Brother’s totalitarian lie. It’s how you fight Totalitarians who are also Barbarians. It’s how you resolve a clash of civilizations – like our Indian Wars (1608-1891). War on the frontier of the American Empire means more peace ‘back East.’ America must have a Will for War in Iraq for as long as the Islamists want to bring it on.

James A. Bowden has worked as a Defense Department consultant specializing in inter-disciplinary long range ‘futures’ studies for over a decade. He retired from the United States Army after 20 years of service as an Infantry Officer. Mr. Bowden is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy and earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He resides in Poquoson, VA.
That article is whacked
He makes good points. I hate to make a blanket statement like we are at war with Islam, but we are at war with the extremist who use Islam and its clerics to fuel hate and discontent. Those clerics are given power and stature in these countries like Saudia Arabi, Iran and Syria by the ruling families. Who turn a blind eye to their activities because they in turn use the US and western countries as a focal point of hate. Which keeps the poor uneducated from turning on the ruling families who allow their countrymen to live in some bad conditions.

With that said all countries have wacko communities or groups within their borders. Most countries monitor them and when they become threatening or dangerous step in a take action. This is not happening in the some of the arab countries. Religion is a powerful thing to poor people living in squalled conditions around the world. Islam has been hijacked and is being used to turn people against those who have a better life. Namely the western nations. Right now the US is the primary target, if we subcum whoes next???
I think we are losing sight of the moderate Islamic countries. Even Turkey and Egypt have their hateful fanatics, but the rest of the population limits their harm. Iran's leaders are having trouble controlling their population. As I mentioned in another post, we need to do a better job telling out story to the masses. Surely there are enough people in Afghanistan and Iraq that are tired of fighting and would love to get on with prosperity. We need to encourage them and empower them.
Our media is a big problem here, but fortunately the constitution keeps the government out of it. No what I meant was a RFE and VOA program like was so effective in WWIII. The people in Eastern Europe just refused to put up with their crappy leadership any longer. Is the Middle East that much different? Does the majority really want hate, killing and poverty?
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