Valvoline Extended Protection 5W20???

Jul 27, 2021
Dover Delaware
I'm trying to find a VOA for the 5W20 Valvoline Extended Protection, I found 5W20 Valvoline Advanced and R&P but not Extended Protection, I tried search, nothing came up.
Thank you..
This is the best resource I’ve found in this forum - VOAs of most common oils

I do not see the extended protection either, but I know I use Valvoline 0w20 EP and it is very similar to the Valvoline Advanced 0w20. I would reckon it’s fairly safe to assume the regular Valvoline Advanced 5w20 listed on the database here is similar to the 5w20 EP.

(For what it’s worth I didn’t even know they made a 5w20 in EP.)

Basic info right on valvolines website
