Using Google Voice abroad in Europe

Jan 7, 2009
Rochester, MI, US, World
My wife and I are traveling to Europe soon. We want to be reachable at all times in case of a family emergency, and it’s been awhile since we’ve travelled to Europe so I want to make sure I’ve got this right:

During our trip, I’ll turn off my Verizon esim on my iPhone and turn on my DATA ONLY esim for Europe that I’ll have purchased in advance. No calling, no sms, just DATA. That, plus the fact that we’ll have Wi-Fi where we’re staying means that all iOS services will still work (iMessage, FaceTime, etc). Anyone that we’re concerned about contacting has an iOS device, so we’re good there.

I’d still like the ability to make/receive actual phone calls though… I do have a Google Voice number. From what I understand, calling from a Google Voice number to any other North American number is free no matter where you call from (assuming you are using data or Wi-Fi, which I will be). I also want to ability to call local hotels and whatnot if need be, and if that’s the case, I can pre-purchase credits through Google to do so (typically pennies per minute to an EU number). Do I have that correct? Google lists international calling rates but they don’t specify if these rates are in the scenario where you call them from inside that country. It shouldn’t matter I wouldn’t think, since Google Voice is a North American service, and isn’t tied to a carrier, so calling an international number would be the same rate no matter where the call is placed from. Basically I just want to make sure I can use my Google Voice number to call whatever number I want from Europe. Thanks!
Just get a Google Fi Sim and enjoy inexpensive calling and data
I’ve read too many posts of those who have had issues with Google Fi getting cut off when they’re abroad. Especially when they haven’t had the plan for long before traveling. This was my initial idea though.
I’ve read too many posts of those who have had issues with Google Fi getting cut off when they’re abroad. Especially when they haven’t had the plan for long before traveling. This was my initial idea though.
It worked for me in Germany, Netherlands, France, Afghanistan, Dubai, Doha, Kuwait, and Iraq.

A few places in Africa too.
I’ve used it too overseas. As long as you’re using the GV app and have an Internet connection it works fine. But make sure you turn off forwarding so any messages and calls do not also go to your native phone.
I just turned on airplane mode and tried to make a call with Google Voice. Google Voice still routes through your phone number, so I don't see this working.

Unless, you were to do it from a computer.
Maybe get a full voice and data sim in Europe and setup your Google Voice number as linked to the new Euro number? Set it up so that all calls route to the Euro number.

I do not know the limitations of the linked numbers, like does it need to be a US number.
Google Fi won't cut you off unless you're living overseas for an extended period of time.

Google Voice will work exactly as it does in the US, I use it all the time overseas. In fact GV has been my main number for over 10 years.

Make sure your Verizon phone is unlocked, the prepaid SIM will do just find if you travel internationally infrequently.
I just turned on airplane mode and tried to make a call with Google Voice. Google Voice still routes through your phone number, so I don't see this working.

Unless, you were to do it from a computer.
Yes as I mentioned, turn off forwarding in GV.

And if you have WiFi calling and WiFi is turned on, even in airplane mode you’ll still get calls and texts. They just won’t be going over the cellular network.
We use Google Fi. Just got back from Bulgaria (cell provider: Vivacom) and Germany (cell provider: Deutsche Telcom). Google Fi worked perfectly in both countries.
Why not just use FaceTime? You can also use FaceTime in just audio mode if you want to.

Yeah, why complicate things? Already built into every iOS device, and functions as long as there is internet access. Just make sure it's enabled, and that the Apple ID address is checked/included as one of the "can be reached at" personal IDs. OP indicates no need for cross platform.

And if there is, most, if not all of the major messaging apps also provide for voice communication.

The cow is already in possession. No need to buy milk separately.