Type 2 Diabetic

I was surprised that my HbA1c was 5.7 Two years ago it was 5.8 and those were the only two times it was tested. My glucose averages around 95 over the last 20 years. I am surprised my HbA1c was so high. He will recheck me in another 6 months. I really try to avoid sugared stuff. I use Splenda and I guess that can "trick" your body into thinking it is sugar.
I was surprised that my HbA1c was 5.7 Two years ago it was 5.8 and those were the only two times it was tested. My glucose averages around 95 over the last 20 years. I am surprised my HbA1c was so high. He will recheck me in another 6 months. I really try to avoid sugared stuff. I use Splenda and I guess that can "trick" your body into thinking it is sugar.
How old are you? Makes a big difference. 5.7 is not crazy high.

What do you mean by 95 average? How often do you check?
I was surprised that my HbA1c was 5.7 Two years ago it was 5.8 and those were the only two times it was tested.
An 0.1 percent difference is pretty insignificant and could be just a normal variation. A1c should however be checked once a year in everyone as it is such an important data point and every three to six months if there are concerns Either way, you are at the end of the upper range of what's considered a normal A1c. That could be simply due to age if you are over 70. You definitely want to keep your A1c below 5.7.
My glucose averages around 95 over the last 20 years.
Very good. But nobody shall rest on their laurels.
I am surprised my HbA1c was so high. He will recheck me in another 6 months.
Have you recently had any infections, a cold, etc? A tickled immune system will result in increased blood sugar levels as will stress. As I said, it could be age-related or maybe you have been less active, let your nutrition slip a little?
I really try to avoid sugared stuff. I use Splenda and I guess that can "trick" your body into thinking it is sugar.
Splenda won't raise your blood glucose directly but some research indicates it may indirectly increase insulin resistance. Also, bastard sugars are detrimental to your health for other reasons. See if inulin works for you as a mild sweetener in, for example, coffee. Inulin has shown to increase insulin sensitivity and it's a natural 0-carb prebiotic. Introduce it slowly into your diet as it takes the biome a little to get used to. I'll let Pablo explain. :poop: