I live way out of town and do not have cable tv at my house, I do not watch much tv anyways but have purchased the digital converter box needed to watch tv now that they are converting over to digital, I was using a roof top tv antennia for a while but the ice storm back in Dec 08 wrecked it and I switched to the( Rabbit ear) type antenna, that sits on top of the tv or placed in various locations for better reception. I would like to stay with this type of antenna and am wondering if anyone knows of a perticular ( type,brand,etc) that is tops in performance as far as tv rabbit ears go. Im now using a set from wally world that seems to work pretty decent but am wondering if these type's of antenna's are rated as good,better,best. You folks helped me out aprox 4 years ago when I asked about a certain radio that would pull in the signals from afar and of course helped me out as alway's so Thanks in advance... kkat