Toyota acknowledges bug in 'black box' reader

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Originally Posted By: ekpolk

Suspecting, even if reasonably so, is still a far cry from knowing.

Do you think that the 3rd-party companies that produce these interfaces have validated them for accuracy?
Originally Posted By: ekpolk
Originally Posted By: LS2JSTS
EK, when Toyota files redacted and edited EDR reports, some with entire columns of data missing. Aren't they in effect "deciding" what gets to the court and in front of the judges eyes?

The difference being. When a court orders a EDR report from a GM vehicle or a Ford vehicle, GM and Ford never handle it in any way....a third party provides it.

Easy solution. Motion for Order to Show Cause why the company should not be held in contempt for failure to timely disclose. If they don't cough up the info, fine them a million per day until they do.

That said, Toyota's alleged lack of cooperation does not imply that GM or Ford's data is good or bad, either way. Different issues altogether.

How are they seperate issues?

You need to research some of the cases Toyota has been involved with over the last ten years. I'm not talking UA cases here, although they apply as well. It's not an easy solution when the court is dealing with Toyota, there are documented cases where entire columns of data was missing, where the data didnt match the facts of the case, where the data contained partial information but lacked other pertinent info....EVERY one of them downloaded by Toyota.

What do you propose the fine SHOULD have been in those cases where Toyota provided partial data and then swore in Court that the data was unreliable and that any other data was unretrievable....They just stand there and tell the judge there is no other data your honor. How does a plaintiffs attorney get around that when there is only one reader on the entire continent and there are absolutely no third parties that can provide the data?

It really is unbelievable that you would come in here and deflect for Toyota by implying some lame argument that GM and Ford data may be unreliable as though the GM and Ford systems have basically been an open architecture for years, readable by disinterested third parties. And with hundreds of court cases where they have been used and relied upon. Meanwhile Toyota has testified in court for years that their data was unreliable.

But it doesn't surprise me, it was mere weeks ago when you refused to believe that Toyota could even possibly be stupid enough to only have one EDR reader here in the States.

Since you or someone else locked the other thread....Are you willing to admit Toyota was that stupid? Do you see now there was just one reader stateside or do you still believe the one EDR reader fact was pure fiction....silly as you called it.
Well, what do ya know...

Lawrence JM, Wilkinson CC and Heinrichs BE, The Accuracy of Pre-Crash Speed
Captured by Event Data Recorders; SAE 2003-01-0889; 2003


Most 1999 and newer General Motors (GM) vehicles have an event data recorder (EDR) that can record pre-crash speed incorporated into the airbag sensing and diagnostic module (SDM). The accuracy of the SDM-reported pre-crash speed over a wide range of speeds has not been previously tested and reported. In this study, the SDMs of three late-model GM passenger cars were artificially triggered while driving at a constant speed between 1 and 150 km/h. The SDM-reported pre-crash speeds were compared to speeds measured by a calibrated 5 th -wheel of known accuracy. The results showed that the accuracy of the SDM-reported pre-crash speed varied with both speed and vehicle. The overall uncertainty associated with all three SDMs tested varied from a 1.5 km/h overestimation of vehicle speed at low speeds to a 3.7 km/h underestimation of vehicle speed at high speeds. Within the limits of this study, these results can be used to quantify the accuracy of SDM-reported pre-crash speed for use in engineering analyses of automobile crashes.

3.7km/h is about 2.2MPH -- and that was the greatest error they found in the GM EDR.

This is about what I would have expected, given that the vehicle speed sensor is the source of data for the EDR and the readings from the VSS can be as much as 2MPH off, based on my comparisons of VSS speed readings with GPS speed readings.
Then there's "Crash Data Retrieval System Validation Testing, Wisconsin State Patrol Academy, Nov.2, 2001, Tpr. Tim Austin" which is here:

I'm unable to copy and paste the conclusions from this report, but the executive summary is that the data obtained from the crash data recorder was found to be accurate, speed within 4MPH and the other recorded data, such as seatbelt status, was also found to be accurate.
Originally Posted By: LS2JSTS
How are they seperate issues?

What he meant was that one does not imply the other. What you're saying is that they give each other context. Those two arguments are not mutually exclusive.
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: LS2JSTS
How are they seperate issues?

What he meant was that one does not imply the other. What you're saying is that they give each other context. Those two arguments are not mutually exclusive.

Fair enough.
I'd instantly want this "feature" disabled.

The consumer that owns the car calls the shots about items like these...

You, the owner should have a choice if you want this item enabled or disabled..I'd actually if possible like to physically remove this module entirely from the car it is was mine.
Something just occurred to me.

ekpolk, I think you may be slightly missing the point. Whether or not GM and Ford are producing reliable EDR data, the crucial fact is that they are using an open platform that enables scrutiny in a way that Toyota's system does not. In other words, GM's and Ford's systems are much more easily verifiable than Toyota's. That doesn't even imply anything about the reliability of either system, but it certainly inspires more confidence in GM and Ford than it does in Toyota in this matter.
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