Tire sealers

Aug 21, 2010
Which one do You like best. I've been using mostly Orange Seal and a little Stans. They seem to help. Thoughts?
help with what? What are you using them on.
I like it in my tractor tires.. hit a giant thorn and they dont go flat.

Just noticed posted in the bicycle forum.
I tried Slime but didn't have much luck with those tubes. I ride some rough roads and a little gravel though as well.
Which one do You like best. I've been using mostly Orange Seal and a little Stans. They seem to help. Thoughts?
Orange needs to be refreshed quite often. Stan’s smells awful (IMO). Both work pretty well.
I use Stan's Race Formula when setting up a new tire. It has big chunks in it that clog the valve so it has to go in before the tire is on the rim. Then, I add regular Stan's later on through the valve stem. I also like Truckerco and Finish line. Finish Line made a horrible sealant a few years ago that didn't work so it was a hard sell to get me to try the new stuff. The new stuff is compatible with everything so I've been using it lately.
I use Stan's exclusively on my mountain bike. Just have to remember to top it up every 6 months or so, I've had a few punctures lead to flats and the tire was bone dry inside lol
Stan's here, no problems. It seals well with some tires (like Maxxis), not so well with others (like Schwalbe). I put 2-3 oz in each tire and it lasts about 12 months. But on MTB only.

On the the road bikes, I use inner tubes, with no intent to go tubeless as I see only disadvantages in that application.

NOTE that Stan's racing sealant recommends replacing far more often, weeks instead of months.