Thread for photos that 100% do not violate any Terms Of Service, not political, not too lewd, no gas price pics etc.


For who it conersns listen up: THIS IS NOT COPYRIGHTED in any way!! We all know who brought this “copyright” stuff up.

That is all. You will not and do not need to know who the “actual people” are either FYI.

All I know is:

a) don't post a photo owned by someone else without their permission
b) don't post copyrighted material (be it a pic of copyrighted material, picture, manual, etc) without permission from owner
c) It's not a crime or violation to post pictures of folks you know or knew - permission granted. Could be a bit loony if too much detail
d) also anything that violates other forum rules, nekidity, distasteful body cavity surgery and the like, nasty stuff

These may not be exact forum rules, but these are general net rules I follow, seems to work here.
All I know is:

a) don't post a photo owned by someone else without their permission
b) don't post copyrighted material (be it a pic of copyrighted material, picture, manual, etc) without permission from owner
c) It's not a crime or violation to post pictures of folks you know or knew - permission granted. Could be a bit loony if too much detail
d) also anything that violates other forum rules, nekidity, distasteful body cavity surgery and the like, nasty stuff

These may not be exact forum rules, but these are general net rules I follow, seems to work here.

I get it. I do have permission to post them. Not that hard. I have already saw waynworse and no one said darn thing to those individuals. Kinda double standard here I’m witnessing.

I’m done with this section.