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Until then (2019), the Blues had the longest Stanley Cup drought of any team - all the other surviving teams from the 1967 expansion (Philly, Pittsburgh, and LA) had won a cup.

The North Stars relocated to Dallas, and won the Cup in 1999. The California Seals/Golden Seals moved to Cleveland as the Barons, and were then absorbed by Minnesota.
All I can say is I love hockey at every level, from well ok maybe 12 year olds (I was gonna say 6 but that's pushing it) and up.

I wish so badly we had a college team in Phila. that I could simply pop in on and watch. I don't want to date myself and I changed colleges, but one of my alma maters did win the NCAA Div I when I was a frosh, and that team had locals who were die hards.

So although I bleed orange and black and fortunately or not root for the Flyers, I love to see teams win that haven't in a long time. The Leafs are way overdue, as are the Habs. Funny I have a pic from 8 years ago with Schultzie and Bernie Parent that I get a kick out of. You would not believe how polite Dave Schultz is, I can't believe he's the guy that beat people up when I was a kid

Growing up I was a Whalers fan in the WHA days. As a teen I worked on the Howe's homes doing construction. I would say ice hockey is up there like the Grateful Dead are in my life. A few weeks ago I was skating and a gentleman was changing next to me. I said hey I think your skates are from the same era as mine. He goes yes, I saw you out there, I got mine 1973 I think?! hahahahahahaha

Decided to look mine up, they are from 1992--I actually think his are 1989, he's off by a decade....I'd have to look it up again but I think he had 651's and me 2's...back when they were made in Canada. How I know there's no way his skates were from the 70's is that the blade holders were plastic
Gotta be 80’s I’d guess

I have much respect for any team that’s won 24 championships/ Stanley Cups. Brady has what 7?! That doesn’t even come close. Stanley Cup by far is hardest championship to ever win.

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I used to say the Habs won one more Cup than the number of consecutive years the BMW 3 Series was on the C&D 10 Best list (both the 3 Series and that list went downhill in a spiral).
Sway bar links for dad’s Spark.. weird doesn’t come with nuts. Plan is to change struts and spark plugs both in their Spark and CRV Saturday. Dealer wanted $1200 and a in town mechanic wanted $600 to change the struts on the Spark. The dealer even told him it was a throw away car they never change the struts.
just me, but I wish something would be done about the ghosting aka no license no reggie no insurance no problem

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As much as I gripe about ghost cars driving with no Reggie no insurance 5% tints freely (buddy got in accident driver wasn’t even licensed yet allowed to drive away), there’s a high profile case this week where vehicle stopped on 76. The trooper who did pull over and arrest the driver? He’s put on administrative leave. So can we really blame Leo for not stopping such cars?