This guy made two mistakes; selling Harley Davidson

Nov 23, 2003
I love reading the motorcycle ads on craigslist because of ones like this. This guy goes out and buys a brand new Harley, then has to sell it right away because he’s getting married. This guy just made two mistakes in his life. My opinion is he thought he wore the pants in the relationship and went and bought a motorcycle. His girlfriend tells him if you don’t propose to me and sell that death trap, I’m leaving you. So the simp goes buys an engagement ring worth three months of his salary because that’s what De Beers tells him he should do, and then puts his new motorcycle up for sale to pay for the ring.

What a sucker
I love reading the motorcycle ads on craigslist because of ones like this. This guy goes out and buys a brand new Harley, then has to sell it right away because he’s getting married. This guy just made two mistakes in his life. My opinion is he thought he wore the pants in the relationship and went and bought a motorcycle. His girlfriend tells him if you don’t propose to me and sell that death trap, I’m leaving you. So the simp goes buys an engagement ring worth three months of his salary because that’s what De Beers tells him he should do, and then puts his new motorcycle up for sale to pay for the ring.

What a sucker

The couple had been talking about getting married for some time and the GF was upset because the BF knows how she feels about motorcycles AND perhaps feels slighted that the BF prioritized the Harley over her feelings (will he also go around her back once they're married?) not to mention the financial commitment of a new Harley.


GF is preggo.
Seems like a lot to assume about a person from a for sale ad. Could also be that weddings are insanely expensive, and he is just selling it so he can fund the wedding.

Weddings are a waste of money, especially in the current love me today, hate me tomorrow climate. If two people really love each other, they can go down to the court house with two close friends and get married. Why go into debt paying off a wedding ceremony that the guest get the most out of at the beginning of a marriage.
'looking for one to take over the monthly payments'

Sorry, that's not how loans work. That's the only mistake I see in his ad.
I have a different idea's why people use getting married as an excuse for selling a bike. I've seen where guys say I want to buy a Harley, buy just for the summer. Then I'll sell it in the fall. Well reality hits hard and fast on that logic. First, the monthly payments are not cheap, and it's probably a strain to keep current on them. Or they don't care for the bike, or even for riding. So saying they're getting married, sounds like a believable excuse. Because most potential buyers want a reason from you, as to why your selling a practically new motorcycle. And lastly, you might be on move ahead of the repo man.,,
Or, he's always wanted to fly airplanes but never could afford it so the Harley was the next best thing. The woman he is marrying is wealthy and says she'll fund his flight training and an airplane so they can spend their life on adventures flying low and slow all over the country, camping, hunting and hiking together.
Weddings are a waste of money, especially in the current love me today, hate me tomorrow climate. If two people really love each other, they can go down to the court house with two close friends and get married. Why go into debt paying off a wedding ceremony that the guest get the most out of at the beginning of a

While I agree (at least for men), that doesn't mean people won't still do it. My younger sister is getting married this August, they are having a very small ceremony and gathering after. The costs for photography, food, and other basic things is enormous.

'looking for one to take over the monthly payments'

Sorry, that's not how loans work. That's the only mistake I see in his ad.

This was my reason for thinking it is financial. Wants to get married, but lives paycheck to paycheck like many.
Or getting married and need it gone is just the sellers tactic to stop the why are you selling conversation. Makes it easy to pivot the conversation without many more questions, especially for a motorcycle.

Easy go to whenever I have sold a car is wife/fiancée/girlfriend wants something different whenever the buyer or looker is male. More often than not it gets the obligatory response that the OP has. It’s way easier than saying oh I had to fix xyz and don’t want another expense, or oh I don’t like the gas mileage or whatever and deflects the reason to someone else. Also makes it easier to negotiate if “I don’t really want the car gone” but the wife does.
I love reading the motorcycle ads on craigslist because of ones like this. This guy goes out and buys a brand new Harley, then has to sell it right away because he’s getting married. This guy just made two mistakes in his life. My opinion is he thought he wore the pants in the relationship and went and bought a motorcycle. His girlfriend tells him if you don’t propose to me and sell that death trap, I’m leaving you. So the simp goes buys an engagement ring worth three months of his salary because that’s what De Beers tells him he should do, and then puts his new motorcycle up for sale to pay for the ring.

What a sucker
Are you bored?

People always tell the truth in ads.

Don't assume stuff. It makes an a out of you and me
I often wonder if people think "we can keep the loan in my name but you just make the payments directly or give me the money".
I've had the same thought.

I wouldn't even do that with my brother (hidden that is) - the lender would never allow it. I mean assumable home loans even seem to have vanished.
The same guy who buys a new motorcycle, then sells it with only 60 miles on it, is far too indecisive to get married in the first place. I don't care what the reason is. It has to be either money, or the bimbo... Or both.