Tesla’s new competition in China, a cell phone company

Yeah “ Apple couldn’t do it” is a strong statement we do not know the reason since they did not give one or even acknowledge the car.
Being they both worked on a car and both are a major player of cell phones in their respective countries I think a fair comparison. It is acknowledged and factual that Apple spent billions of shareholder money on EV technology most likely to produce or have Apple branded technology in a car and shut it down.

My feeling is the only valid question is subsidies which the USA offers massive subsidies. It shouldn’t be hard to find out if China did or does.
The other three are subjective to an individual and what is important to that individual.
Those three other questions can apply to any country and almost an empty accusation because it’s China?
Actually if you dig back over several years you'll see the Fruit phone people were trying to hose whomever they worked with. I honestly hope Apple goes absolutely bankrupt. Ford, GM, maybe Nissan, and BMW was their last hope. BMW said that Apple demanded them to spend exorbitant amounts of money only to have Apple demand a 90% profit. Whatever was left would go to the second party. Wow shocker the facist Fruit Company didn't want to invest just ride the coattails of the automotive manufacturer that did all the work. Apple, Tesla, and Microsoft should go bankrupt and leave their terrible employees on the street.
So this begs the question of why couldn’t Apple do it, but you claim this other company can?

Tech theft?
Lack of concern for safety?
Lack of adherence to regulations?

Or is it just speculation that pre-orders of a vehicle indicate reality?
Apple could do it -- their R&D power is God tier in the modern world. My theory is that they used some of their R&D to foresight trends and where EVs would go in the near future and maybe they saw something they didn't like and backed out. Apple loves money. These two things make it obvious to me as they saw something in their research and said "nope."
Apple could do it -- their R&D power is God tier in the modern world. My theory is that they used some of their R&D to foresight trends and where EVs would go in the near future and maybe they saw something they didn't like and backed out. Apple loves money. These two things make it obvious to me as they saw something in their research and said "nope."
You could be right, they can always revisit it if they want.
You could be right, they can always revisit it if they want.
Oh for sure. Apple doesn't really give up like that unless they see it's not viable for long term profits with demand, or physics does not allow them to make something cool to their standards of quality (ie: the AirPower wireless charger lol).

It seems they've taken the wise approach to just watch. Besides, for now Apple CarPlay is one of the most wanted features of a car these days for shoppers.
Oh for sure. Apple doesn't really give up like that unless they see it's not viable for long term profits with demand, or physics does not allow them to make something cool to their standards of quality (ie: the AirPower wireless charger lol).

It seems they've taken the wise approach to just watch. Besides, for now Apple CarPlay is one of the most wanted features of a car these days for shoppers.
It makes perfect sense, and seeing recent TSLA stock action maybe it was a wise decision. Apple could start right where they left off at a drop of a hat, and money certainly isn't a problem for them.
Sure, and hybrids. My understanding is BYD ended their ICE vehicles and now makes hybrids and EVs.
Regardless of drive type, any car they sell is a car not made in America or by America's friends.
This is true, and something I can't control. But rest assured I won't be buying anything from any of them.
Well almost, I won't be buying a Tesla either. ;)
It's only the 1st qtr...
Well almost, I won't be buying a Tesla or a hybrid either. Unless I have no choice and hybrid is the only option because all ICE is gone.
Same lol. Unless Tesla magically fixes their build quality and the car's handling dynamics, I would probably go with an EV BMW.
Maybe Xiaomi mission for building an EV was different from Apple. What was Apples mission for building an EV? What is Xiaomi's mission? We know Xiaomi has a massive cell phone infrastructure network.... hmmmmm..

We don't clearly know what TSLA's mission is. Is it to build EVs? Or are EVs simply a tool for TSLA to reaching critical mass in data collection of peoples movements? Is TSLAs mission to provide movement to people by a means that does not involve a human? Some have stated that the data TSLA collects on the movements of its vehicles is worth considerably more than the profit it makes from selling an EV.
Apple likely did it to prevent being locked out of the entire market just in case. They and Google have the Carplay and Android auto market locked in and if Waymo / someone else got the monopoly there, they could lock out Apple completely in the ecosystem. They need at least enough patents to cross license with others to not get locked out is my guess on why they did it.

In the last several years we saw a bunch of Lexus RX with a sensor mattress on top driving around, that's definitely what Apple was testing their self driving electronics on, not an EV they make. Since most EVs are heading to a commodity direction and no risk of getting locked out, they decided to scrap the project. Their Siri should have been where ChatGPT is now but they are not, so they really need to catch up.

Xiaomi started as a portable battery bank company making their products based on surplus parts. They are the fast fashion company in electronics and phone industry, and they are opportunists selling what they can get in surplus price. Their EVs are definitely not high end products R&D like Tesla or even BYD, just something off the excess EVs R&D by someone already, probably also build with surplus parts. Apple likely don't want to cheapen its eco system with meh parts.

Xiaomi also created the Oculus Go with Facebook / Meta but their software sucks. While Oculus Go is still supported and work, Xiaomi's Mi VR is kind of meh despite being almost identical.
Apple could do it -- their R&D power is God tier in the modern world. My theory is that they used some of their R&D to foresight trends and where EVs would go in the near future and maybe they saw something they didn't like and backed out. Apple loves money. These two things make it obvious to me as they saw something in their research and said "nope."
They probably think most people will buy their EV based off price and coolness, and not overpay for the Apple's touch. An unreliable Apple EV would make them look very bad, and throwing money at EV likely would make it too expensive to make and sell at the right quality.
Actually if you dig back over several years you'll see the Fruit phone people were trying to hose whomever they worked with. I honestly hope Apple goes absolutely bankrupt. Ford, GM, maybe Nissan, and BMW was their last hope. BMW said that Apple demanded them to spend exorbitant amounts of money only to have Apple demand a 90% profit. Whatever was left would go to the second party. Wow shocker the facist Fruit Company didn't want to invest just ride the coattails of the automotive manufacturer that did all the work. Apple, Tesla, and Microsoft should go bankrupt and leave their terrible employees on the street.
Yeah, let’s get rid of that super successful American company called Apple and get those overseas imports really rolling in here so they could build weapons to blow us up with the profits.

The best part is will be moving all those high-tech jobs, what’s left of them overseas as well as all that investment money in the 401(k)s and Wall Street that have Apple and invest in and prop up the Chinese and Korean companies instead.

One thing for sure American corporations are rotten to the core right?
The heck with successful American companies, let’s support other countries after all all those corporations are post a child of everything fair and right.

(for those that don’t know the above is sarcasm, too bad we don’t have more successful companies like Apple as well as everything else instead of exporting those companies overseas)
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Here is an English language initial impressions review of the car.

It's crazy that Chinese cell phone companies can make this using surplus parts without doing any R&D, yet Apple can't make any car at all.
Actually if you dig back over several years you'll see the Fruit phone people were trying to hose whomever they worked with. I honestly hope Apple goes absolutely bankrupt. Ford, GM, maybe Nissan, and BMW was their last hope. BMW said that Apple demanded them to spend exorbitant amounts of money only to have Apple demand a 90% profit. Whatever was left would go to the second party. Wow shocker the facist Fruit Company didn't want to invest just ride the coattails of the automotive manufacturer that did all the work. Apple, Tesla, and Microsoft should go bankrupt and leave their terrible employees on the street.
Strange, I’ve recently rented BMW x5 SUVs for extended drives and the one thing that works really well is CarPlay from my iPhone.