Super Tech ST3387A Oil Filter Cutaway Photos

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Sep 14, 2009
Plattsburgh, NY
A few photos of a Super Tech (Wal-mart brand) ST3387A oil filter and box. I love the disclaimer.

First the ad graphics on the box...

Now all the pieces...

Close up of the filter media. Note the "ultrasonically welded end caps" that "may not represent actual filter construction."

NOTES: The canister is thin metal. The see-through "felt" end caps are not very impressive. A Super Tech ST16 filter was constructed exactly the same way (size was the only difference), but I didn't take photos.

Oh well, they only have to last 1,500 miles when I do some extremely short Auto-RX de-sludging intervals. Guess you get what you pay for.
I cut open a used e-core that was identical to this, same size (3387A) and everything and it held up great and I was actually impressed with it. The ADBV stuck to the endcaps fine and I didn't notice any distortion or possible leaks. The filter in the picture on the box looks just like an e-core, hence the strong nylon cage.
Ultrasonically welded end caps means they're plastic looks like you got cardboard or something lol who knows it's got pictures tho
Originally Posted By: ThirdeYe
I cut open a used e-core that was identical to this, same size (3387A) and everything and it held up great and I was actually impressed with it. The ADBV stuck to the endcaps fine and I didn't notice any distortion or possible leaks. The filter in the picture on the box looks just like an e-core, hence the strong nylon cage.

Do you have a link to the thread? I'd like to those photos out. (I'm a noob and still getting used to finding things on BITOG) Never heard of e-core is it a private label brand?

I'll have to cut open a used Super Tech filter and see how it holds up. My upcoming OCI's on my van are going to be abbreviated due to Auto-RX sludge removal applications.
See that plastic thing in the middle of the filter? That's what they call e-core. It cuts down on metal. It's something that Champion Labs does with some of the filters they make, such as the ST, ValuCraft, and others. It's not present in EVERY filter, but most of them. It depends on whether the OEM spec. will allow for the change. Basically it's just a cheaper way to make a filter. To my knowledge, nobody has shown it to be sub-par in terms of performance or durability.
Thanks, greenaccord02 -- I love the cumulative knowledge of this board!

The e-core part actually seemed surprisingly sturdy, my main concerns were the see-through end caps and thin can. (I've cut into thin cans before while removing stuck filters with a metal strap wrench -- messy and not much fun!)
Originally Posted By: OilNerd
.... Guess you get what you pay for.

For less than 3 bucks, where else are you going to get plenty of media and a thread end bypass? I wish the STP 3950 I paid $3.49 had been an Ecore instead of having the metal to metal dome end bypass.

I don't belong to the USW, and don't see any advantage to steel endcaps and a heavy can. I never had any trouble getting the old ST 3950's off.
The end caps are thin because they are filter material. It allows them to have the same amount of media in a shorter can. The reason it says it may not match construction is some of the really small filters (diameter) still have to have metal construction.
The end caps could only add about 4 sqin of area. Better filters have well over 100 sqin. I think they may catch finer particles than the rest of the media.
People pick on Frams for having paper end-caps, but ST's get a pass?

I don't get it.....oh wait, this is BITOG, home of the anti-Fram league..soory, I forgot!
Yes, but you pay how much for this filter and how much for a Fram? If Fram was priced in line with what you get I think less people will have a problem with it.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
People pick on Frams for having paper end-caps, but ST's get a pass?

I don't get it.....oh wait, this is BITOG, home of the anti-Fram league..soory, I forgot!

I didn't know my membership included a free membership to the anti-Fram league.

Not giving ST a pass either. I returned most the ST filters I bought. Just keeping a couple for upcoming, short Auto-RX OCI's (1,500 miles tops). I'll trust them that far, anyway.

I've decided to pay the extra 83¢ for the steel end caps in the AC Delco PF47 (same can strength). I could add a quip about ST filters to the signature line, but it would just make it longer and I don't think as many people would get the joke. Besides, they are under $3, so within expectations.

I'm not anti-Fram, just anti-Orange Can. My filter stash includes a couple of XG3387A's, though they are pricey.
Looks like a fine filter for the money. Also looks like a case study in modern manufacturing techniques. I'm sure it will hold up just fine for a typical 3,000 - 5,000 mile OCI and provide decent filtration in the process. If you need something sturdier, pay more. Lots of choices out there.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
People pick on Frams for having paper end-caps, but ST's get a pass?

You know you make a good point, and I'm guilty as charged. There is just something about saying paper/cardboard endcaps that sounds chintzy. The ST felt type material on the Ecore doesn't sound or look as "cheap". And, combined with the Ecore it "seems" more advanced in design. You could disagree but that's the way it seems to me.

And then there's the price, ST's are priced much more reasonably than the OCoD.

To the OP, thanks for posting pics.
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