Strike Hold?

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Dec 15, 2002
Simpsonville SC
Was at a gun and knife show yesterday and of course there was the obligatory crowd hawking all sorts of "miracle" products. One did stand out a bit and I found it fairly intriguing. Product is called Strike Hold and it's advertised to be a do all, penetrant, protectant, water dispersant etc. Guy would spray an extention cord socket and light socket, put it together, submerge it in water (with power on) and procede to screw a light bulb into the socket until it lit up. All underwater and with his hands fully submerged as well. Also sprayed a cheap electric drill's armature and dunked it in the water too. Pulled the trigger and it ran, albeit at a reduced RPM. You could even see the arcing from the brushes/commutator. Then proceded to fill a styrofoam cup with water and put about 1/2 oz. of PB Blaster in it. Blaster floated around and cup stayed intact for about 5 minutes while he talked up a storm. He then filled another cup and put abot the same amount of Strike Hold in it. Within 15 seconds the bottom of the cup was eaten away as well as the sides of the cup and water spilled out over the table. This was to show its penetrating/solvent capability.

Anyway, never heard of it. Back of can lists ingredients as Petroleum distillates (duh), carbon dioxide for propellant, and synthetic esters. I asked what the synthetic esters were and he didn't know. Pretty curious for the "inventor" of the product not to know. He claimed that since the product was developed for military use, he used a "military contracted chemist" and that the exact make-up was classified as a result. I asked for an MSDS sheet and he said that he didn't bring any but could send me one. I left him my "spam safe" alter email address just in case.
I suppose that his product kept out water in the electrical connection but maintained dialectric properties
IMHO, Strike Hold is a copy of Eezox which is a copy of G96. They use chlorinated solvents (Tetrachloroethane for SH) and phthalate esters for lube that form a "wax" on the surface. The chlorinated solvents are heavier than water so they sink to the bottom of the cup. I'm not sure what they are trying to demonstrate by that, but they have a vid of the same thing on their site (along with the light bulb thing, I wonder what current they have on that thing??). The solvents evaporate off and leave the esters behind.

I've never used the product, but I have used Eezox and overall like it except for the strong smell. SH reviews that I have read have been mixed, generally poorer than Eezox or G96. Eezox has a particularly good reputation for corrosion resistance and uses a different chlorinated solvent.
exact make-up was classified as a result.

I'm sure it is, but the MSDS lists phthalate esters and gives a CAS #68515-45-7.
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That sounds like hype to me. you would have to get that stuff on everything inside of the drill to be fully insulated. inside the switch, any connections, inside the brush holders...
I've used it on some firearms. It's a decent solvent for cleaning the bores, and it does indeed leave a thin film of lube after the solvent evaporates. Would be a good alternative to Gunscrubber-type cleaners on guns, since it leaves lube on the surfaces. But, Eezox or G96 Gun Treatment would be better all-around choices.
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