store tire mounted or unmounted?

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Jun 15, 2003
I got a practially new tire at the junkyard last week but have the opportunity to get a set of 4 matching ones real cheap. So I might be storing the lone tire for a year or so then using it on the wife's car. It's date stamped late 06 so dry rot shouldn't be an issue. Am storing it away from sunlight and ozone. But here's the thing: It's on a rim, that's not the right bolt pattern for my cars. I'm inclined to store it on the rim, full of air, as that will, in my mind, protect the inside and the bead.

I've heard that unmounted tires should be stored carefully and there's debate over laying down vs standing up. Does keeping air pressure inside negate all of that?

Only reason I ask is I may be putting the rim up for sale... not that I need the cash, but am trying to de-clutter my life.
If you have a choice - and the room - store it unmounted.

Pressurized air in a tire forces oxygen through the tire and increases the rate the rubber degrades. If you can store the tire in a bag of nitrogen - great!!
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