Spline wheel lock without keys

Aug 5, 2002
Silicon Valley
Dad bought a Mazda 2 without even realizing it has aftermarket wheels, with this aftermarket spline wheel lock nuts on all 16 bolts (because the OEM lug nuts won't fit, and OEM tire iron won't fit). The original seller didn't trade in with the key so now we are looking for what to use. I've never seen this before and it looks like a 6 point spline lug nuts. He did get a decent deal ($7200 for a 2014 with only 66k, the car is in very good condition too) so at least it is not too bad for the trouble.

Any suggestion on what to get (I know enough to stay away from Dorman at the parts store)?
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If you can researched on the brand, you can call them and send them a picture to get the proper tool.

Otherwise, check YouTube if somebody have a way to take it out.
Of course, you have to replace it.
If you check eBay, Amazon or just Google, you'll find a million places selling a million sockets for wheel locks. One of them is bound to fit!
It's possible they aren't locks, but just need a low profile adapter. Post a pic for us?

Check in at a tire store when they're slow, see what they can do WRT finding you an adapter or some Gorilla brand nuts?
The wheel is Focal F04 16 inch, I have no idea what the brand of the lug nuts are.

Current plan is to buy a "set" from Lowe's Kobalt and find which one fits, then order the individual socket only. For safety I prefer to not buy Dorman or other ebay / amazon no name brand. You don't want them split on the side of the road.
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Did some digging, turns out it is a 13/16" 6 spline nut (aka the small one). Will buy a White Knight deep socket to give it a try, they said it is Cr-V hardened and won't break, let's see.
probably tuner lugs not security lugs.

you can buy the spline drive sockets for them easily on amazon and ebay.
Take a picture of the lug nuts. If they are splined, a key should be less than $10 on amazon or may come with a new set of lug nuts at autozone. If you take a picture, I can probably find the key that fits.
As mentioned, Tuner Lugs. The key can be found on amazon.


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