silly things you learned in grade school

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Oct 22, 2008
Sunny Calif
Looking back, what were some things you learned in grades K-6 that you now know were absurd?

I remember learning about the 4 food groups: dairy, breads, veggies, meat. We were taught that pizza had all 4 of these so pizza was the perfect food. Yes really, we learned that pizza was good for you.
Pizza in moderation is probably a lot better than most fast food.
I remember being told we would have to learn the Metric system because the US was going to this system , still waiting from 1968!
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
"Duck and cover" under a school desk in the event of a nuclear attack.

Your showing your age
I, too, remeber duck and cover. The teacher (mid 1950,s) would stop teaching and say, "There is a very bright flash of light. What do we do?" And we would get under our desks.

In the mid 1990's my employer broke open a Civil Defense shelter on site as it was deemed unnecessary and handed out all of the sealed bins of candy stored in there. Each had a government CD label and was intended to give you enough calories to get through a few days after a nuclear attack.
Originally Posted By: tonycarguy

We were taught that pizza had all 4 of these so pizza was the perfect food. Yes really, we learned that pizza was good for you.

pizza IS the perfect food.

handheld, portable, economical, includes dairy, grains, vegatables and protein.

don't see why this is absurd.
I was told to learn math because "nobody carries a calculator in their pocket all the time." Now, 99% of the world carry a cell phone everywhere with a calculator.
In the 5th grade permission slips were sent home for "sex-ed"

For the boys, it was a 5 minute filmstrip* basically saying that we would grow hair on our bodies and our voices would change. The End.

The girls were in there for over an hour viewing a film that as I understand it, was basically a commercial for women's sanitary products.

*for younger readers: filmstrips were a strip of 35mm film that projected still images and would be accompanied by a garbled sound monaural cassette tape. You had to change the image at the tone. The teacher's pet typically had this honor.
Biology was a required course sophomore year of high school. Utterly useless except for the 0.09% of the students who would go on to become biologists/scientists. (and they would just relearn all that stuff their freshman year of college anyway..)

I remember we had a substitute teacher one day and he couldn't answer a student's question. After a little ribbing from the students, he said he had learned this stuff in school too, but hadn't used it since and therefore forgot it. I thought, "Ah-HAH! I KNEW I would never need this [censored]!"
Originally Posted By: Spazdog

*for younger readers: filmstrips were a strip of 35mm film that projected still images and would be accompanied by a garbled sound monaural cassette tape. You had to change the image at the tone. The teacher's pet typically had this honor.

Did anyone else have the experience of their class being rewarded by being able to view a special program on public television? This would be done by wheeling in a television on it's special "audio-video" stand...
Originally Posted By: CharlieJ
Cursive handwriting.
LOL! My son is starting cursive now in school and so as a stupid experiment I sat down and tried to write in cursive. I couldn't make my hand do it. I think it's easily been 15 years since I wrote anything in cursive.
Originally Posted By: calvin1
Originally Posted By: CharlieJ
Cursive handwriting.
LOL! My son is starting cursive now in school and so as a stupid experiment I sat down and tried to write in cursive. I couldn't make my hand do it. I think it's easily been 15 years since I wrote anything in cursive.

You don't ever have to sign your name?
Originally Posted By: Footpounds

You don't ever have to sign your name?
My "signature" is a set of squiggles that used to have something to do with my name but is now just a memorized motion. I try to keep it from changing too much. Seriously.
Originally Posted By: calvin1

My "signature" is a set of squiggles that used to have something to do with my name but is now just a memorized motion. I try to keep it from changing too much. Seriously.

This describes my cursive handwriting as a whole...
Your statement - "I couldn't make my hand do it" has always described my situation.

I wish it were not true, and I have worked hard to change it, but in the end I have to admit it is what it is.
Originally Posted By: Spazdog

*for younger readers: filmstrips were a strip of 35mm film that projected still images and would be accompanied by a garbled sound monaural cassette tape. You had to change the image at the tone. The teacher's pet typically had this honor.

They were about 30 years old when I watched them. They are probably still using the same ones...
Originally Posted By: tonycarguy

Looking back, what were some things you learned in grades K-6 that you now know were absurd?

I remember learning about the 4 food groups: dairy, breads, veggies, meat. We were taught that pizza had all 4 of these so pizza was the perfect food. Yes really, we learned that pizza was good for you.

Pizza IS good food. It is what much of the world eats every day. With variations, it is pizza. pita bread, or tortillas. Flat, quick cooking breads for daily use.
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