Septic Tank Treatment?

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Originally Posted By: williar
From what I've read, septic tank treatments are a waste of money and unnecessary. Your poop has all the enzymes and bacteria necessary to properly decompose itself and a reasonable amount of toilet tissue.

You are probably right. Best thing you can do is get it pumped out every year and minimize the amount of soaps used.

To make it easier. Buy a cement extender that when its pumped out you only have to take the lid off (no digging)

If its legal run your washer into a sump and don't put it in the septic tank.

Take shorter showers. Conserve water. Use white toilet paper. Don't put any fat down the drain. Grease and soaps are death to septic tanks.

Do an internet search for Rid-X
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Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: williar
From what I've read, septic tank treatments are a waste of money and unnecessary. Your poop has all the enzymes and bacteria necessary to properly decompose itself and a reasonable amount of toilet tissue.

You are probably right. Best thing you can do is get it pumped out every year and minimize the amount of soaps used.

To make it easier. Buy a cement extender that when its pumped out you only have to take the lid off (no digging)

If its legal run your washer into a sump and don't put it in the septic tank.

Take shorter showers. Conserve water. Use white toilet paper. Don't put any fat down the drain. Grease and soaps are death to septic tanks.

Do an internet search for Rid-X

+2 I have had so many issues w/ our septic tank, we actually were a day away from getting a new drain field for $9000!!! Thankfully I canceled. My family was just using too much water. We had it pumped out and took shorter showers and bought new clothes washer and haven't had a problem yet...knock on wood. You may need a Pump though.
I get a product called "Septobac" at my grocer which gives the bacteria a kickstart to keep breaking solids down in the tank . It's not expensive , about $4-5 for a box with 8 packs in it that you dump one in the toilet each month , maybe 2 if heavy use from a big family with lots of laundry and showers .

I have our laundry on a seperate tank and tile which helps my system and I went 18 years before I had the septic tank pumped out and the fellow said he had seen worse . Had the laundry tank pumped at the same time and it wasn't bad either . Family of 4 at the time BTW although my sons are now grown and moved on a couple years ago .

I certainly think it helps as a maintanance thing breaking the solids down and for the price it can't hurt .
What is the condition, age, resident count, and expected usage?
What is your fear of your septic?

Bacteria might be murdered by all the soap/bleach/detergent.. from your washing machine, dishwasher, shower, medications....
Or, septic can be overloaded by excessive number of people or septic abuse(washing machine/dishwasher).

Pumping every 2-3 years is a must. Every year is akin to the 3k/3mo OCI. Neither does harm and might be a little financially wasteful. It depends on your usage.

The last 2 septic systems that I've seen fail were ~25 years old and each cost $12000 to fix(location dependent). But, I seen some fail in 5 years and others fine after 35+ years.

So, you have to take at look at the number of people there, the age of the septic, the history of the septic, and the habit of the people, pick an affordable pumping interval.

Wal/K-marts, super markets, LowesDepot, ACEValue... hardware stores have different brands(roebic, ridx, zep, heartlandlabs). And, I bet some roll down the same assembly line. If for some reason you think you must dose, alternate between the brands. And, MEASURE. There is no need to overdose.

Its not always easy to completely adapt ones lifestyle to septic systems. You don't have to. Just remember that your sink and tub are not the garbage. Don't empty out the wet-vac in the tube. Don't use the food disposal.

If you must use a dishwasher(I do cause I'm lazy), then make sure that it is completely full. Learn to load it properly. I have no problem with any of the eco-greenie-enviro dishwasher liquids or tablets. Have a little common sense and don't load complete meals into the machine and everything will come out clean.

If you must take long hot showers because it better than excessive drinking, then invest in an "RV" or boat/marine type shower nozzle. Most water conserving ones are 2.5gpm, and the RV ones are .5-1.5gpm. I like the 2.5gpm nozzle with adjustment. This way, I don't have to wait for hot water and can back off the flow for my needs.

Buy a waterless urinal(thats extreme). Most water efficient toilets are under 2gpf. The older ones are 5-10gpf. Stick with name brand ones. Some newer ones have separate flush handles for #1 or #2 which cuts the water usage even more.
And, every flush at work, at the restaurant, when out... is 1 less flush at home. If the tree is good enough for the dog, its good enough for you.

Use a laundromat. Water efficient washing machine is a must if no laundromats are around. Like the dishwasher, load it up real good. And, as long as you pre-treat, most of the eco-enviro-greenie detergents work well. You don't need bleach or softener. Oxy type boosters can be used if your work clothes are overly dirty. If you want softener, try a baking soda. Or, just stick with softener dryer sheets. My neighbor's washing machine pumps into a barrel and he waters his lawn/gardens with it. Research grey-water recycling as some local codes are ignorant to it.

Eat a yogurt a day, or other fermented 'lively' food. Cheese, sauerkraut... And, eat less.

Buy a small 10-gallon fish tank and keep some fish/pets for the kids. Use the gravity-siphon-vacuum and remove a gallon of water a week cleaning the gravel. Rinse the sponge-type filter into that water. And, poor it down the drain.
Originally Posted By: 05ChevyI5
Recommendations for monthly PM please.

Monthly? Absolutely nothing.

Just use a little common sense, don't put anything that kills bacteria (like bleach) down the drain and you'll be fine.

We've had septic systems for nearly 40 years, and other than pumping them every 4-5 years we've done nothing special.

We did have a tank replaced a few years ago, but that was done as part of a class action lawsuit against the manufacturer who didn't make the concrete tanks up to code. The replacement didn't cost us anything.
Just had to replace my system. PO was heavy into anti-bacterial soap which didn't cause the need to replace but did kill the septic tank germs. The guys said don't add rid-x or other stuff. Place a packet of yeast after pumping to help the bacteria get started then about what everyone elae said.
Originally Posted By: BobsArmory
unDummy, You are a smart dude. The best advise I have eve heard.

Yea. Read and reread everything the man says. He is spot on.

Very impressive post.
His post was a bit extreme, but it certainly has some good ideas.

You shouldn't need any treatments if you're behaving correctly and not putting uneeded stress on your septic tank.

Some of the replies to the OP were about water useage. If you're using too much water, you're using too much water. No treatments are going to make a difference.

And where I live it's illegal to sump your laundry discharge out. I can't think of a reason it should be.
Treatments do nothing.

The best treatment is very careful about grease/fat going down. Also make sure no garbage etc gets in there.

How often to pump, don't take someone's rule of thumb, it depends on tank size and size of family:

I have an expired(changed careers) septic designers license.
Thankfully no one has recommended adding a bottle of MMO

Some good advice on here and I'm still going to use my septobac packets as the cost is minimal and I've had good results with my system , so it may or may not of made a difference .
What I use and works...

I had my 1500 gallon pumped in Oct 2010...After 5 years and only 6" of sludge (with 4 people in home)..Pump guy was like whatever you are doing, keep doing it...

And I use it montly as a PM and on the drains...And I do about 800+ loads of clothes a year..Home with gargage disp (I know) and dishwasher runs about 7 to 8 times a week. For me the $70 every 13 months is cheap.
Originally Posted By: QuadDriver
Originally Posted By: kcfx4


and if your washer machine drains into the tank/field, dont use bleach

riddex is not bad, just overpriced....I use bleach to clean my Whirpool washer every other month...No issues...

Yea, bleach kills the "bugs" so does alot of things...that is why you do a PM monthly.
I've been told to add an occasional cup of baking soda to maintain a constant, alkaline pH. Sometimes bacteria you add via septic additives will be antagonistic to the bacteria naturally present in your tank and they will kill each other off, so it's best to simply encourage the growth of the naturally occurring bacteria.
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