Senate votes to end ethanol subsidies

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We can pay for ethanol through the front door or the back door, we're still going to pay for it. Front door - pay for it at market values, which will rise if the Bill goes through... or the back door - via subsidies from our taxes and the corresponding increase in corn and corn-fed products. Take your pick.

I hope the Bill makes it all the way through. Free market is typically the most efficient way to run an economy.
Originally Posted By: MarkM66

Won't E10 gas prices now go up?

Not necessarily. This proposal also ends the tariff on imported ethanol. It's possible that E10 gas could become cheaper with increased imports of Brazilian sugar cane ethanol.
The tariff on imported ethanol is 54 cents per gallon, so we can use our tax dollars to subsidize American farmers. This is bad for consumers. Sugar cane is a significantly cheaper source for ethanol, and we're not wasting the nutritive value of corn. How idiotic that we're using corn for ethanol. Yes, it would make us dependent on Brazil for ethanol. So what? Why don't we make them an ally? They're not the Middle East.
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