School Closing Because of Predicted Weather?

Imagine being a parent nowadays; not knowing when or if your kid's school will be closed an extra twenty times a year, any time it rains or snows.
i can remember one or 2 times when i was in HS ( late 90's class of '98), there was in incoming ice and snow,etc... they let us out an hour or so early.
100% of the posters here have survived serious weather. Natural dangers are a feature of life. If you are out in the open on a golf course during a lightning storm, on a tropical beach when the tide quickly goes way out unexpectedly, in a mountain cabin when a blizzard is forecast, get to safety. If you don't then Chicken Little is wrong, the result is just natural selection.
Saw this posted, just east of here. Daughter stayed late at work to avoid this crap.

One thing to consider is that weather prediction is a good bit more accurate today than it was when many of us were young.
I know that everyone likes to think that the forecast is a crap shoot at best, but that isn't really the case these days.
If severe storms with tornado development possible are forecast, send them home or keep them there.
Sometimes S is for soft, sometimes it's for Smart, and sometimes Stupid.

Serious weather can kill you in certain places and times. Many people have not experienced this yet in their lives, but I can assure someone who hasn't that it is indeed "a thing".

An impending blizzard dropping several feet with 100MPH winds is nothing to play around with, or a known tornado alley.

I remember school being closed in Chicago due to cold. 50 below that was100 below with wind chill.

Floods in the canyons is fun too.
I went through two tornadoes in one month. Schools didn’t close for bad weather when I went. We even had tornado drills.
I got my eyes at this sort of thing, unless it's extremely serious.

Why? Because my daughter's high school once closed because it was going to be 40° and raining.
We had that once, but the district does have a number of dirt roads that can get icy when that happens. Still strange to me though, I sure remember getting way less snow days as a kid.

They have tried blizzard bags (lessons in a bag, pre-done at start of the year) to try not to have too many make up days at the end of the year.
Back in the day weather forecasters weren't allowed to announce whether they thought that tornadoes could be likely in an area. They were considered completely unpredictable.
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We went to school come snow or high water. I remember riding the bus on icy gravel roads with large snow drifts. The attitude was, "We will get these kids educated and nothing will stand in our way! Nobody will die if the bus is stuck in a snowdrift for a couple hours."