Saved money on an oil change


Sep 27, 2015
Thought I would save a bunch of money on an oil change. Went to change the oil in the car today. Wife was out shopping so I used the garage. I didnt have a drain pan so I used the turkey roasting pan because it was so big and not make a mess if I missed hitting it. Oil drained and filter needed too so I found the Tupperware pitcher which was big enough for the oil that came out with it, worked good. Found the Tupperware funnel in the kitchen drawer so I wouldn't make a mess spilling on the engine top area putting the new oil in, worked perfect. After filling with oil I needed to get the used oil back into the oil container the new oil came in. Checked for leaks, then found the big Pyrex measuring cup that had a spout to use with the funnel to get the oil out of the roasting pan to get it in the container. I found a spatula to get the residual oil out of the Pyrex mixing cup into the funnel and worked good! I put the lid with the pour spout on the Tupperware pitcher to make it easier to drain the pitcher too. All went well and I saved a bunch of money doing it my self. Side note, the wife wasn't happy with saving money on the oil change. I thought I did pretty good, I don't know...
I have some concerns about your wellbeing. Might I suggest keeping a couple close friends nearby to enjoy a few beers? I'm sure she won't mind.
The wife has a new garden, about 4 months ago squirrels were busy digging in her garden. Turns out they were doing squirrel things, hiding their nuts. She and my daughter put out pinwheels to try and deter the squirrels, but today she found one of the nuts sprouted into a baby oak tree. I put it into a pot and its name is now "Squirrel."

I would of put the roasting pan in the oven and warmed up the oil to make it pour easier into the pyrex:ROFLMAO: because warm oil pours easier than cold, then you would not have to use a spatula to clean out the pyrex. You then can use your wife's bath towels to clean out the roasting pan and save it for next oil change!!
Okay I got a true story to add to this one. True story, when my youngest brother started working on his own car he borrowed tools from one of my other brothers and when that brother lent him the tools he told him that he had to clean them up after he was done using them. So he finished the job of working on the car and was down in the cellar at the washer basin sink cleaning the tools that he had just used. My mother realize that he was down in the cellar cleaning those tools, and she hollered down the steps "you better not get anything on that white blouse that I have soaking in the bucket in the wash sink". Guess what he was using as a rag to wipe the grease off of the wrenches? I'm not kidding you it was her blouse that was soaking in the bucket. Needless to say, that brother bought my mother a brand new blouse in short order.

Over the years that one got brought up several times and we always got a good laugh about it.
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