Samsung getting thumped in court by Apple

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That is too bad.

Our courts are making sure that competition is no longer a valid thing in the market place.

Only koolaid and lawyers.
If there's anything wrong, I blame the patent office for making too-abstract concepts patentable.

Given what I've seen of the devices in question, its certainly in a gray area. There's a size difference, but the layout of the Samsung device *is* awfully darned similar.
Well to be fair, much of Apple's research and development is US driven. Samsung's newer devices are also made in China (galaxy S III).
Originally Posted By: jigen
Well to be fair, much of Apple's research and development is US driven. Samsung's newer devices are also made in China (galaxy S III).


Samsung also builds components for Apple, so while parts of the companies are suing each other, other parts of the companies are having meetings with coffee and donuts.

And they're both outsourcing manufacturing to China :-/
It's pretty obvious Apple is scared of Android, so instead of producing a better device they are going to and use the court system to try and stifle the competition.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
It's pretty obvious Apple is scared of Android, so instead of producing a better device they are going to and use the court system to try and stifle the competition.

With Android being around 70% of the new phone market I agree 100%.
Originally Posted By: dishdude
It's pretty obvious Apple is scared of Android, so instead of producing a better device they are going to and use the court system to try and stifle the competition.

Or not.

Android phone being built before iPhone release, then what turned out to become after the iPhone was shown:



Apple icons on the left, samsungs "original and "not" copied" icons on the right:


Samsungs "not copied" phone next to the iPhone.


Apple, the most profitable company in the world, on track to being the worlds first trillion dollar company, afraid of Android? Ha! More like annoyed at most.

The Android OS is good. Very good. And I am very glad it is as loved as it is. Good, quality, competition is always needed. But Samsung was not trying to compete with their first android phones. They were trying to mirror.
I do not like Apple one bit. Rats. Never ever do I buy anything from Apple. Do not like their business practices.
Why people pay a premium for Apple's stuff is beyond me. But I've never been a fanboy either.

Looks like they gave up on the BlackBerry style and did "copy" the iPhone. But really, how much different do we expect the contacts icons to be?

Companies can't stay on top forever (nobody does); so I suppose it's Apple's turn.
Originally Posted By: MrQuackers
I do not like Apple one bit. Rats. Never ever do I buy anything from Apple. Do not like their business practices.
Originally Posted By: Virtuoso
Why people pay a premium for Apple's stuff is beyond me. But I've never been a fanboy either.

Looks like they gave up on the BlackBerry style and did "copy" the iPhone. But really, how much different do we expect the contacts icons to be?

Companies can't stay on top forever (nobody does); so I suppose it's Apple's turn.
Originally Posted By: Virtuoso
And that's too bad about the lawsuit... I was rooting for Samsung. I think Apple's pretty slimy.. shrugs.




Now as to this device business. If the movie The Social Network is to teach us anything.. it is that Samsung did not use any of Apple's code.

I see difference in some of the icon. The court is merely taking akin to suggestion. The first Android phone was by HTC, the G1. So, if anything, the suit should be on that one. Just remember that this is about those college kids with a $500 iPad 3 that want to be trendy cool and snarky. They stay 24 until they are 29. They should sue for age infringement.

Apple is clearly afraid of Samsung, or they would not do this. Then again, Apple has so much $ that this is

BTW I feel like Blackberrys are like Myspace: Dead in 2009.
It always amazes me... Dislike Apple if you like. That's OK. I almost bought a Samsung Galaxy Tab until my wife got me the latest ipad for my birthday. I wanted to like it as it was the best droid tablet out there - this $2-300 junk just doesnt do it for me.

But it just cracks me up when these "holier than thou" type droid fanatics HATE apple with all their might, and love to call apple folks fanboys and talk on and on about how they will never buy apple...

But fail to realize that they are just fanboys themselves for another brand that is equally as growth-oriented (you really think that Samsung and Google dont strive to be giant companies with huge market capitalization? You dont think that Google sells YOUR information for a profit?), and has a less polished product that is poorer in some ways.

Competition is good. Maybe some day the droid phones and tabs will be as good. Nothing wrong with that. Frankly, I think many of these patents are stupid and not something that meets the patentability criteria. It sure looks obvious that Samsung did some copying a bit too close though.
$1.049 Billion.

I guess you can prove anything nowadays.

I still think Samsung made their own stuff but made devices that look very much like an Android OS following in the footsteps of the original HTC G1. More $ for Apple. Should I invest?

EDIT: From the article, "The decision comes with large-ranging implications, as it sets precedent for future patent law cases and will inevitably bring more lawsuits. Apple is already locked in a legal battle with HTC and could go after others." Mmmhmmm.... You didnt build that.
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Originally Posted By: JHZR2

But it just cracks me up when these "holier than thou" type droid fanatics HATE apple with all their might, and love to call apple folks fanboys and talk on and on about how they will never buy apple...

I have a Galaxy 8.9 tablet that I absolutely love; it's the perfect form factor for me. The 7" is too small, the 10" tablets are too big. And I really like the Android OS. Even so, I agree with your comment above 100%. I don't get why this is such an emotional issue for some folks? If you look at the devices, it's pretty obvious that Samsung was ripping off Apple. I don't know enough about patent law to have an opinion either way, but yeah, I can see them having to pay some sort of royalty for the intellectual property.
Originally Posted By: GumbyJarvis
ill still buy samsung over apple

Atleast I am supporting South Korea (an ally) versus China!


You do know Apple is a company that was started in and is based out of the USA. They have a MASSIVE employee base in the states designing all of their products and running the entire company. Not to mention all the employees that work at Apple stores selling and servicing the products (Apple employes around 47,000+ people in the USA last time I checked).

You do know almost all of Samsung's devices are built in China, by the very assembly plants used by Apple.

So, yes, you keep supporting our South Korean allies. Whatever helps ya sleep at night. . . .

Originally Posted By: JOD
Originally Posted By: JHZR2

But it just cracks me up when these "holier than thou" type droid fanatics HATE apple with all their might, and love to call apple folks fanboys and talk on and on about how they will never buy apple...

I have a Galaxy 8.9 tablet that I absolutely love; it's the perfect form factor for me. The 7" is too small, the 10" tablets are too big. And I really like the Android OS. Even so, I agree with your comment above 100%. I don't get why this is such an emotional issue for some folks? If you look at the devices, it's pretty obvious that Samsung was ripping off Apple. I don't know enough about patent law to have an opinion either way, but yeah, I can see them having to pay some sort of royalty for the intellectual property.

People just love to hate Apple, Apple users, and they like to be as vocal about it as they can every chance they get.
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
You do know almost all of Samsung's devices are built in China, by the very assembly plants used by Apple.

Moreover, Samsung provides a lot of components that go into Apple devices. Samsung is a huge Apple supplier, although with the recent lawsuits, this may eventually change.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Originally Posted By: rg200amp
You do know almost all of Samsung's devices are built in China, by the very assembly plants used by Apple.

Moreover, Samsung provides a lot of components that go into Apple devices. Samsung is a huge Apple supplier, although with the recent lawsuits, this may eventually change.

+1 LOTS AND LOTS of chips Apple uses are from Samsung. Samsung use to be the main supplier for Apple's displays also, however Sharp and LG are taking that over.

Samsung can make some very good hardware. No one can deny that. It will be interesting how things move forward after all of this.
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