Rolling Coal...a perpetual annoyance

Nov 23, 2015
I'm sure many of you are familiar with "rolling coal"-where basically diesel pickups are modified so that either on-demand or during acceleration they belch big thick clouds of black smoke.

I had one today that was a new one on me. It was a nice day, and I was out tooling around on some country roads at 45-55 topless in the MG-in other words perfect timing and conditions for it.

I went through a small town, and as we're leaving two lanes merge into one. I'm in the left lane(which is the one that "continues" rather than merging, if that makes sense), and ahead of me in the right lane is a lifted "Brodozer"

I slowed down and motioned for the driver to get over, which they did without hesitation. It was lifted enough that my car could have nearly fit under it, and frankly I'd rather them in front of me than behind.

In any case, the truck gets over, and the next second I'm enveloped in a cloud of soot that's coming from the truck's tailpipe. I can't see, I'm coughing, and when things finally clear there's gray/black soot EVERYWHERE on me and the car.

No idea what I did to provoke that, but it's the first time I've had someone direct this stupid practice at me personally. Aside from being a nuisance, it's frankly dangerous, or at least I felt it in that situation.

Unfortunately, unless the police catch them(yes, my state does have a law against it) I'm guessing there's nothing that can be done.
Manage to get a license plate? If the truck is a late model it would have had to have been modified with emissions devices removed. Big fines in most states.
Get yourself a dashcam, and send the police the footage when stuff like this happens. I sent my red light runner video to the Dallas Police and encountered an officer patrolling the intersection yesterday when I left work. If I were to ask for anything more, it would be that they contact the idiot in the video, but that's probably asking too much. But if you get an officer in the right mood, he may look the dude up in the DMV records and make a phone call or make a visit to his house. It's video footage of someone committing a crime, so can't hurt to try.
Chasing down individual won't do much, you need to sue the manufacturer of these equipment or sting op to chase down shops that does the mod.