Rental lease agreement

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Mar 14, 2003
My siblings and l are handling the rental in a 2 family home for our elderly father. My mother who recently passed did all this previously.

The current lease is expiring and we have done some renovations to the apartment.

The current lease is a standard boilerplate purchased from Staples.

We would like to amend it with specific wording about requiring renters insurance, provision for late payments, annual rent increases, termination of lease etc etc.

Any advice/suggestions appreciated.
I have rental property. I let a management company handle it. They are experts in lease and rental agreements. I just collect the checks.
Contact a lawyer. There are state-specific laws and there may even be county and town-specific laws.

Yep, spend the money and have it done correctly….. ’Air Tight’ .

Your property = Your rules.

My oldest sister is a real estate attorney here in Florida for 33 years and seen problems cause landlords want to DIY and things get challenged in court down the road.
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My siblings and l are handling the rental in a 2 family home for our elderly father.

We would like to amend it with specific wording about requiring renters insurance, provision for late payments, annual rent increases, termination of lease etc etc.

Any advice/suggestions appreciated.
Contact a real estate attorney. There are state-specific laws and there may even be county and town-specific laws. And since you didn't say where you're located, there's no way anyone here can be of even marginal help.

Before I met Sweetie, she had someone help her with leasing her property. This person meant well but was not an expert in local real estate laws. It ended up costing Sweetie a lot of aggravation and money.

When I got involved, and wrote the new leases, I was quite surprised at the arcane requirements imposed by the State of California and the Federal Government. One such example required by California was that a specific paragraph about sex offenders had to be included in the lease and both the language and the font size were specified.

Contact a real estate attorney.
Generally we do not allow or advocate for legal advice on BITOG. There are several good suggestions here; all pointing towards getting professional legal help in your local area. That's the best we can offer.

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