Realtors in Florida

Not based on ignorance here, based on experience, real life experience spanning well over 40 years of buying and selling various houses. Looks like I ruffled a few feathers, it happens....
No ruffled feathers, just a lack of factual data from you. Sorry man, but you're wrong. Personal experiences hardly qualify as statistically significant. No difference with any business, however real estate is one of the most regulated with consumer protections.
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No ruffled feathers, just a lack of factual data from you. Sorry man, but you're wrong. Personal experiences hardly qualify as statistically significant. No difference with any business, however real estate is one of the most regulated with consumer protections.
No problem, I'm wrong is your opinion. I speak from experience, and listening to others, it kept me out of trouble and saved me a ton of money over the years . If you can show me statistics in my region to prove my experiences wrong I'd love to see it.
No ruffled feathers, just a lack of factual data from you. Sorry man, but you're wrong. Personal experiences hardly qualify as statistically significant. No difference with any business, however real estate is one of the most regulated with consumer protections.
I didn't dislike real estate agents until i saw that on the fine print they're still getting the commission as if you bought the house even if you backed out. For having so many "protections" they sure do seem to be allowed to lie by omission to such extreme degree it makes you back out.
LOL they try,they might have taken one from the car dealers playbook!! They told my brother if he wanted the house he was looking at not to insult the seller and offer $20K over ask. That went over like a turd in a punch bowl.

The standard response to that is to go ahead and lowball, since the seller didn't mind insulting potential buyers with their bloated asking price.
LOL that sums up pretty much what my brother did. Think about it, another 3% or whatever the cut is for the broker on another $20K. Not bad for playing someone for a fool.
In my business I spent over 30 years rubbing shoulders with realtors on a weekly basis. About 40% of them were OK. The rest ...well I don't know how they found the floor when they got out of bed. I had one realtor couple that I worked with for years. They held themselves to the highest standards and their clientele showed it. Since retired and I really missed them when they did. They found me my property before it ever hit the market. They really had a pulse on what was happening.

The newer generation of realtors leave much to be desired. Last year when I bought a property I used an aging lady realtor. She is one of the last of the old guard. She really does look out for her clients. She should hold seminars to teach the newbies how to be successful and honorable. She will soon be missed.
I didn't dislike real estate agents until i saw that on the fine print they're still getting the commission as if you bought the house even if you backed out. For having so many "protections" they sure do seem to be allowed to lie by omission to such extreme degree it makes you back out.
You're not making sense. You put a deposit on a home, go to contract and back out. The agent earned their commission and the homeowner can keep your deposit and your attorney can demand their fee too.
Many do not understand contracts and falsehoods by throwing around the word lying.
I'll leave this silly thread, clearly a hate thread based on nothing since the public uses real estate agents just as much now, if not more than ever. So one must need to look in the mirror and try to figure out what they are talking about. I guess that goes for any product though or any profession ... Bye bye ... ;)
In my business I spent over 30 years rubbing shoulders with realtors on a weekly basis. About 40% of them were OK. The rest ...well I don't know how they found the floor when they got out of bed. I had one realtor couple that I worked with for years. They held themselves to the highest standards and their clientele showed it. Since retired and I really missed them when they did. They found me my property before it ever hit the market. They really had a pulse on what was happening.

The newer generation of realtors leave much to be desired. Last year when I bought a property I used an aging lady realtor. She is one of the last of the old guard. She really does look out for her clients. She should hold seminars to teach the newbies how to be successful and honorable. She will soon be missed.

Tons of younger folks got their real estate license after the Covid reopening when properties kept climbing weekly. Now they are struggling with low inventory and high interest rates.

Lots of folks under the age of 35 were on YouTube making videos of how easy it was to make money as an agent.

Scott Walters on YouTube is one of the older generation agents that is honest about this industry.
I found a builder that a like. A few actually. One would allow me to downsize without feeling like it. How? The front entrance has 15ft ceilings and all other rooms are 12 foot...

That I like. I don't care about the HVAC and electricity alerts I will

I'm downsizing anyways. Nobody cares but just having a conversation. It's just under 2500 sq. ft living area.

Actually the price is spot on with Maryland almost to the dollar. At one time it was far cheaper..

This allows me to have some of the glam of the house I am selling. Nothing over the top but some nice fixtures and a conversation piece of a chandelier.

The two car garage is actually like a three car without the bad looks. Has one side that entends further up but has only one door which I prefer.

I talked to them today and no contingency fees...what I sign up for is the price...

Speaking of HVAC... No bad planning like I usually see like the AC or heat pump right at the master bedroom... It's actually on the opposite side
near the garage.

20 percent up front with 6 draws max... Not bad.