Random oil filters on sale at Amazon

These are on sale again on Amazon. They are available for all 3 of my cars for under $3. Some only $2.

How long do you think you can safely run these? 6 months? A year? More? I know their oci is 5k miles but I don't drive my GTO that much.
Thanks, this did not show well on mobile :(

I ran two of these last year, i no longer recall specifics, but i remember that i did not want to run them again, even at this price.
That was my gut as well but I just bought 3.

Just to clarify I am talking g about ecogards on Amazon. Not the purolator techs discussed on the previous page
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Did you remember why? I feel like you have to withhold this statement if you cannot recall
I really wish i could, but i deemed it useless info, and boiled it down to just, don't get these again.
I'll happily say that YMMV for these, but i don't see how withholding my experience (albeit with zero detail) would be helpful in anyway other than to make people feel better about buying them.

For a 5K oil change, these and the purolator tech filters are fine. I'm sure these are probably what are being used at quick lube places anyway. Whip city wrench (youtuber) did a cut of these two and they seemed fine. Haven't seen a reason not to use them.

I wish i had decided to remember the issue, it obviously would have been helpful here.
I just remembered i had a filter i wanted to open up as it held zero oil when i removed it, but that was one of those cheap K&N filters (now also on the do not buy list)
Got my 3 ecogards. They're well packaged and look solid. Plastic wrap preventing dirt from entering the filter. Manufactured over a year ago. 2 from 12/22 and one from 4/22. Have an oil change coming up soon so I will use the oldest one in the next 2 months. The box says 98.8% efficient. At 30 microns I suppose. Filters themselves say made in China as expected. They appear to have spring loaded bypass valves.