Quicksilver or not????

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Bob, I found a clear glass cuban cigar tube which looked exactly like you were using. Filled the lower half with water and the top with Mobil 1 75W-90 Synthetic Gear Oil. I watched your video and shook the tube as long as you did in your video and compared the time. The Mobil 1 performed just like the Quicksilver gear oil on the far right test tube. They seperated at the same time and had the same amount of foam on top of the tube.

ok, well now that you have that, find a nail of some sort that can rust.(last one I found was a finishing nail), then put into the oil/water, shake up, and let sit, periodicaly shake it up and the let sit. Later we'll take the nail out and see if any rust starts to appear on it or if it actually protects the metal surface.
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