Purolator PureOne PL24651

I saw that, but it's missing potting material on the ends of the pleats in that area. So apparently it was applied too thin there to adhere to the media on the end of the pleats. That potting material sticks to media way better than it does to smooth metal. Open pleat ends like that can leak dirty oil. This example is not the typical Purolator end cap popper where the whole blob of potting material stays in one piece.
Was it not sticking to the pleat end before it was pulled apart? You couldn’t possibly know if it wasn’t unless you have supeman vision and can see through metal.
Was it not sticking to the pleat end before it was pulled apart? You couldn’t possibly know if it wasn’t unless you have supeman vision and can see through metal.
It's obvious in the photo that the potting material didn't adhere to the media. That's why that section of potting material stayed on the metal end cap. That potting material adheres to media very well, and not so much to metal end caps - that's why the end caps pop off. You can clearly see the open ends of the pleats in the photo that don't have potting material on them. No "superman vision" needed to see the obvious.
This shows the value of members taking time to upload these cut opens. Thru the years these data points have changed as to what filters were quality and which were junk. We have seen our high rated filters fall from grace and also some bargain filters surprise us. Good info thank you!

This is a good point. I was also a frequent member of a PC forum a while back. They had a tier rating system for power supplies at the time. It would be interesting if one could be made for oil filter brands based on all the relevant data on this website.
In my observation there clearly is potting/(glue) seen at both ends of the element.' What I can see', appears to be endcap popper on both ends. The bypass end looks like average type popper in which stamped spring would seal at that filter end in use.

The base end looks to have cracked potting on it, which can be seen stuck to endcap. IF, that is a result of pulling/forcing the cap off after opening the can, then 'I' can't say there was an oil bypass issue. That would be a force not seen in real world use. Otoh, if the cap just fell off when opened in that condition, then 'could be' a bypass issue. I'd add, the latter finding would be an anecdote very rarely seen in postings.

I've used many Puro/Puro made filters mostly 14610/(7317) application never had an endcap popper. But, if it was as shown on the bypass end, 'I' would not be concerned. My.02
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This is a good point. I was also a frequent member of a PC forum a while back. They had a tier rating system for power supplies at the time. It would be interesting if one could be made for oil filter brands based on all the relevant data on this website.
Great photos. Haven’t used a Purolator in years thank god. Nice cut and post. What oil went in sump? I Thank You sir 👍🇺🇸🍻🍺
Great photos. Haven’t used a Purolator in years thank god. Nice cut and post. What oil went in sump? I Thank You sir 👍🇺🇸🍻🍺

In my observation there clearly is potting/(glue) seen at both ends of the element.' What I can see', appears to be endcap popper on both ends. The bypass end looks like average type popper in which stamped spring would seal at that filter end in use.

The base end looks to have cracked potting on it, which can be seen stuck to endcap. IF, that is a result of pulling/forcing the cap off after opening the can, then 'I' can't say there was an oil bypass issue. That would be a force not seen in real world use. Otoh, if the cap just fell off when opened in that condition, then 'could be' a bypass issue. I'd add, the latter finding would be an anecdote very rarely seen in postings.

I've used many Puro/Puro made filters mostly 14610/(7317) application never had an endcap popper. But, if it was as shown on the bypass end, 'I' would not be concerned. My.02
That bottom/base end cap just fell off in my hand when I removed the filter media. The top cap was loose and just need very little effort to remove it. I’ve cut open lots of filters and I’ve never had one to do this
That bottom/base end cap just fell off in my hand when I removed the filter media. The top cap was loose and just need very little effort to remove it. I’ve cut open lots of filters and I’ve never had one to do this
Looking at the two endcap potting area pics, based on past anecdotes would have speculated just the opposite finding. Dome bypass area looks clean, base end endcap as noted has potting stuck to cap that corresponds with cracked potting on media. Former seen here before as common endcap popper, latter as noted, rare. Nonetheless, understandable for you to go another route now.
What’s the next filter I should use ????
Fram Endurance ??
Certainly not a bad choice but it is overkill if your sticking to around the 7k mile interval you did with the last filter. Most any oil filter should be good for up to 10k miles. Or you could leave the endurance on for 2 or 3 intervals.
Certainly not a bad choice but it is overkill if your sticking to around the 7k mile interval you did with the last filter. Most any oil filter should be good for up to 10k miles. Or you could leave the endurance on for 2 or 3 intervals.
Oh for sure. Wouldn’t dump a 25K filter after one oil change 👍