PSA: Please wear your seatbelt


$100 Site Donor 2023
Nov 14, 2008
I passed the aftermath of a bad accident this morning, there was an FJ that had clearly rolled several times blocking the opposite direction of I-70 as I drove by. The passenger compartment was intact (still a cube) so I was hopeful the driver had made it. Sadly, they weren't wearing their seatbelt and were ejected from the vehicle.

While I agree with you 1,000 percent…

Another reminder I have is this in addition to yours…

Remember that a thin piece of window glass is all that separates your head or arms from being exposed to the pavement or other vehicle or trees etc … I came up on that accident scene that had literally just happened and the young fella had indeed been wearing his seat belt. Which was great.

But his head smashed that drivers side window and his head hit the asphalt while the car barrel rolled. He was dead and gone with his cerebral cortex sticking out the front of his head.

3 other guys in that car had been wearing their seat belts and were just fine thankfully.

Rolling a vehicle should be avoided at all cost if possible because the weakest part is that glass window inches from your head.

Inches… that ain’t much.
I passed the aftermath of a bad accident this morning, there was an FJ that had clearly rolled several times blocking the opposite direction of I-70 as I drove by. The passenger compartment was intact (still a cube) so I was hopeful the driver had made it. Sadly, they weren't wearing their seatbelt and were ejected from the vehicle.

I do security for a hospital. We had a young teenager who didn't wear a seatbelt while his friends did. He was ejected while driving high speed in a rain storm. He barely made it. Will need speech and therapy for years to come. His friends were treated for bruising and seatbelt burns.
Yes, wear your seatbelt.

One morning I saw what looked like a car between interstate 40 and an access road here in town. It was raining, still dark, and there had been storms off and on all night. So, not being able to blow it off as my eyes playing tricks, I decided to turn around and make sure that it wasn’t a vehicle. Sure enough, as I got closer and pointed my trucks lights toward it, it was a Ford Explorer laying on its side.
I got out and called 911 to report it and as I was walking toward the vehicle through some tall grass, I almost stepped on her. I remember that she would gasp every once in awhile, but I knew she wasn’t going to make it, she was in bad shape.
I ran over to the Explorer to look inside to make sure that no one else was in it or around it. I remember the windshield being cracked, I seem to remember blood on the windshield, but it was pretty much intact. Everything about the vehicle seemed intact other than the shattered back glass and hatch where it apparently spun around backwards and hit the deep concrete culvert that went under the interstate.
After a quick check of the vehicle and immediate area, I went back and sat with her until help arrived. It was frustrating because there wasn’t anything that I could do other than sit with her. I was talking to her, but I know she didn’t hear a word of it. I’ll never forget that morning.
I believe she would have easily survived that if she was buckled up.
I always wear mine. Today when I took my friend out for lunch I had to remind him seatbelt he didn’t want to but I told him he’d get out of my car if he didn’t put it on. He has gotten a couple tickets for it but he still doesn’t like to wear it.

In 2011 my dad was in a rollover tractor trailer accident when a drunk driver ran into his cab. Had he not had the seatbelt on he probably wouldn’t be here. He almost didn’t survive anyway as his truck caught on fire and he was covered in diesel from the busted fuel tank. He did cut his arm up badly on the pavement and glass though. The seatbelt kept him in one spot. Yes it was holding him so tight that it bruised his entire chest and shoulder but bruises beat death any day. The truck went airborne and came down on its side and rolled on its side down the side of the Capital Beltway in Bethesda Maryland. The police officer and baseball players who rescued him said had he not had that seatbelt on he probably would have fell through the window and landed on the side and gotten drug along the pavement under the truck instead of just his arm getting drug. They would of liked to have never got the seatbelt cut off of him though it had so much tension that it was tough to cut luckily they got him through the windshield in time before his truck completely burst into flames. That’s one case I truly believe that the seatbelt is what saved him. And ever since then he has gotten better about wearing it. He used to never wear it at all. And for those wondering the drunk driver walked away with a totaled car and not a scratch on them.

And anything can happen at any point. I had a semi pull out in front of me today that had I not been able to avoid him i would have collided with him and likely my car would of rolled as I was going 65 downhill.
I always wear mine. Mom was an x ray tech for a long time and an uncle is a paramedic/fire fighter, I’ll save y’all the graphic stories but they just reinforced the whole “you’re a bag of meat and bones, the road is far tougher than you” gist.
I wear a seatbelt
If my car ever ends up upside down again I would rather not be doing a headstand in a bunch of broken glass
Yes, wear your seatbelt.

One morning I saw what looked like a car between interstate 40 and an access road here in town. It was raining, still dark, and there had been storms off and on all night. So, not being able to blow it off as my eyes playing tricks, I decided to turn around and make sure that it wasn’t a vehicle. Sure enough, as I got closer and pointed my trucks lights toward it, it was a Ford Explorer laying on its side.
I got out and called 911 to report it and as I was walking toward the vehicle through some tall grass, I almost stepped on her. I remember that she would gasp every once in awhile, but I knew she wasn’t going to make it, she was in bad shape.
I ran over to the Explorer to look inside to make sure that no one else was in it or around it. I remember the windshield being cracked, I seem to remember blood on the windshield, but it was pretty much intact. Everything about the vehicle seemed intact other than the shattered back glass and hatch where it apparently spun around backwards and hit the deep concrete culvert that went under the interstate.
After a quick check of the vehicle and immediate area, I went back and sat with her until help arrived. It was frustrating because there wasn’t anything that I could do other than sit with her. I was talking to her, but I know she didn’t hear a word of it. I’ll never forget that morning.
I believe she would have easily survived that if she was buckled up.

She heard you man….

Hearing is the one sense that stays with people…. Til they pass away.

You did the right and courageous thing there.
Been wearing the seat belt since my 1965 Corvair days as a teenager. It would go around corners pretty quickly and had slick vinyl seats. I wore it so I wouldn't slide around! Later it became more apparent there were other safety reasons to do so.
Friends of mine were recently in a bad T-Bone accident. Neither believe in seat belt usage. Both suffered multiple fractures and spent several days in the hospital. Because of their injuries they have to hire help to keep their home up. Guess what, they still won't wear seat belts. Real Darwin condidates
And keep your feet on the floor of the car where they belong! DO NOT put them up on the dashboard!
Agree! My wife and I have spent countless hours chasing our boys around the Midwest for hockey and other activities. I’ve made several comments to her about I wonder what will happen to that person if they are in a wreck and the airbags go off.

I guess you might kiss your a$$ goodbye…?

Just my $0.02
My 76 yr old mother refuses to wear a seatbelt in her X3 because it chafes her neck. I was left thinking "And you didn't realize this when you test drove the car?'.

She knows better as a former ER nurse, but cognitively she no longer cares
I still cringe when I see people on motorcycles not wearing helmets or safety gear, especially now with the amount of distracted drivers.
My 76 yr old mother refuses to wear a seatbelt in her X3 because it chafes her neck. I was left thinking "And you didn't realize this when you test drove the car?'.

She knows better as a former ER nurse, but cognitively she no longer cares
It should adjust up and down over a ~3-4 inch range. Adjust it for her to the lowest position so it goes more over her shoulder.
Rolling a vehicle should be avoided at all cost if possible because the weakest part is that glass window inches from your head.

A cousin of mine managed to roll a 3rd gen CAMERO 5 times "only" going 35MPH somehow. He had his seatbelt on and he hit the roof pretty hard. The first responders credit the rusty floors with saving his life. On one of the roof impacts, the seat went through the floor and saved his neck/spine.