Thanks Wilbur for sharing your vehicles history. Yes for the VCM II 2008+ years, 5k seems ok.Bill- I got an '08 VCMII equipped engine with 108k. I do 5k oc, service that PCV valve frequently. Runs great, super smooth, strong runner and get 30+ mpg running high speed on interstates. No oil consumption, no varnish or sludge observed, or any mechanical issues so far. Just normal maintenance. I estimate about 75% highway miles, where VCM is heavily engaged
But for $95, just install a VCM disabler on your rig and stop worrying...
The 2005-2007 with VCM I get extreme high temperatures on the front cylinder heads.
I've been reading a lot of old posts on BITOG about similar questions like mine.
Seems like the recommendation on 2005-2007 with VCM enabled is to do 3k-4k OCI with synthetic (or risk sludge/varnish), or 5k OCI if VCM is muzzled. I went to the EPA's US Government's fuel efficiency website, and for a 4,000 mile with VCM enabled, I would save about $60 in gasoline for every 4,000 miles travelled, as oppossed to having the lower trim level without the VCM.
So keeping VCM enabled saves me $15 in less gasoline used at today's prices for my town for every 1000 miles driven.
This would save $1500 for every 100,000 miles driven.
Not that much $, but still significant savings if you do the 4k mile/6 month OCI with a very low priced Dexos 1 Gen 3 full synthetic 5W-30 oil (not 5W-20) and avoid the sludge / varnish.