Post your latest oil top off

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
I didn’t see a topic for this. Please post your latest oil, trans or even gear oil check and top off.

Today: the ole Blue 09’ Focus of mine with 296k on it

Half quart HPL NO VII 5w20. Oil on dipstick has fine carbon bits so there is cleaning happening. We shall see what Donaldson filter caught.
2023 Silverado 2.7 35k miles

4850 on oil about 3/4 of a quart low ......... this is almost the exact amount this truck uses each 4.5 to 5k

Topped up with AC Delco Dexos 5w30 of the mobil bottle design

Each time I top it off it gets run to 5k and changed with PF66
I can’t remember the last time I had to do a top off on my daily driver, but I do a 6 month OCI due to fairly extreme stop start conditions.
Good idea 53'Stude.
I was topping up my oil about 2 weeks ago, and thought we need a BITOG thread on this. Glad you started one.

So, I needed a quick top-up litre of oil, and was too far from home. I stopped at the closest auto store.

The had some old stock of API SN rated LiquiMoly MolyGen 10W30 at $8 (AUD) for a 1L bottle. It's normally around $35 for the small 1L (0.9 quart) bottle, but they were probably shifting the old SN stock to make way for the newer SP bottles.

Good enough for my 2015 non-Turbo GM Cruze. Cheapest 1L in the store. These are Australian prices, $8AUD = $5.20 USD.

It's a Group III synthetic, made in Germany, with their special Molecular Friction Control (MFC) additive. Pouring it in, it's a bright fluorescent green. I did a double take to make sure it wasn't coolant. All good, it's their special oil colour.

Looking it up, their SP version has a Noack of 8.2% which sounds right for Group III 10W30. I expect the SN version to be much the same.
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1/2 quart VRP 5w30 added this morning.

6500 miles on the oil so far and had to add 3 quarts.

Slightly higher oil consumption than with other oils ( I track it carefully ).

One oil change done ( next week ) , 3 to go.
Your Fusion and Avalon motors may continue to prosper. But not that 2.0 GDI from Korea.
Mobil-1 Euro 0w40 will lengthen that engine's service to you, for about $7 more per OCI.
Happy Holidays ahead ZZman. :giggle:
Right now it is running HPL Premium 5w-40. Remember this is a post about topping off.
Ace 10/30 added to Elantra n G6 both took a half quart worked out perfect. Have a half quart of Pennzoil 5/30 Dino for the top offs from oil change on snow blower. I need to pick up 5 QT jug of 10/30 Walmart oil for top offs n lawnmower oil changes lasts a few years
I have 4000 km on my first OCI with VRP in my civic and I topped it up slightly this morning, I only added 200ml though.
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2010 Impreza with 154,000 miles.

6,000 miles into the current fill of Pennzoil Platinum 5w-30 with a regular WIX filter.

Topped off with half a quart of Castrol Edge 5w-30 that had 1,600 miles on it when I drained and reserved it during a head gasket job a couple of years ago.
After 2k, my Hyundai 2.4 appears to be about 8oz low. First time ever at 41k. However, I have noticed small tiny drops of oil (dime sized) here and there along the driveway. That seems to be the root cause and I suspect I didn't torque-down the oil pan bolt / washer enough and that's where an occasional drip occurs.

If / when it gets to a half quart low (16 oz), I'll add more Amsoil. Plan on running it for a 4k OCI and have enough Amsoil on-hand for another OCI this early spring.
The wife’s ‘21 Kia Seltos 2.0L MPI engine has a 4.2 qrt. sump and burns no oil . That leaves almost 1 qrt. of M1 5W30 EP make up / top off oil available for my ‘17 Hyundai Sonata 2.4L GDI engine moderate oil burner. I will use the left over M1 5W30 EP over a 3,500 mile OCI to keep the Hyundai 2.4L dip stick always on the “F” mark .
2014 Town and Country.

126,000 miles. 1/2 quart low

I used my oil change drain leftovers from inverting the new oil containers after my oil changes and collecting the drippings.

I store it in a used Royal Purple quart container. It’s made up of Mobil1, Valvoline and Supertech

I’m hoping my new oil cooler is not leaking. The van has never used oil until this half quart. I have just over 3000 miles on this oil change.
I am now 6300 km into my first OCI with VRP in my Civic so I added another 300 ml today to top it off. That slightly over fills it but this finishes off the jug and so I have no more extra for topping off. In total I have added 500 ml this interval. I will be changing the oil at 10,000 km so it should only be slightly below the full mark on the dipstick by then. It is consuming slightly more than usual on this first interval but I have heard others say that happened to them as well and it went down on the second interval.
I top off with more of the oil that is in the crankcase.

e.g. I topped off the V70XC with HPL Euro 0W30, which is what was already in there.
2023 Silverado 2.7

Same consumption as before at roughly the same interval 3.120 miles