Post your latest beer consumption

I have not a beer in well over a year.

I had a Shocktop at my brothers. Not bad.

And a "Old Speckled Hen". Delicious!!

I have not a beer in well over a year.

I had a Shocktop at my brothers. Not bad.

And a "Old Speckled Hen". Delicious!!

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I've got 2 of those in my fridge! I may have one tonight.

The story about the name and label from the brewers' website.

The great British ale was first brewed to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the MG car factory in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. It was even named after the factory’s old run around car which was often parked outside the paint shop. Spattered in paint, the car became known as the “Owld Speckl’d Un”. The eagle-eyed might even see the resemblance between MG’s logo and the Old Speckled Hen label!