Poorboys EX or EX-P?

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Oct 2, 2009
Does anyone know which is more durable between the EX and EX-P? I'm looking for an easy to apply sealant that's also durable for a daily driver in the Northeast.
I would search, or post this ? on Autopia. Typically, carnauba doesn't last as long as a pure sealant. However, in this case, they are both Sealants. One just has carnauda added (which would look better in theory). I have not used neither. I have Polish w/Carnauba Blue -- and really like it. It smells good enough to eat/drink.
EX-P is the more durable of the two. Unlike many sealants it can be layered for more protection and bling. Both are very user friendly and can be applied in direct sunlight. I'll verify that but within reason......using it on a black car in South Texas in July can still be a pain due to the blistering temperature of the paint.

The EX with carnauba has a richer look for what it's worth but doesn't hang in there quite as long.
Thanks for the info guys. I may also look into Opti-Seal as I saw a video of it being used and that looks really easy to apply.
If you haven't purchased yet, and want to avoid mail order, you can try Duragloss 105 or 101. Both are excellent sealants, easy to use, and are very durable. You might also be able to find Collinite 845 locally. Nothing is wrong with Poorboys, it's just often a pain to mail order a $15 item.
Originally Posted By: Glen871
Thanks for the info guys. I may also look into Opti-Seal as I saw a video of it being used and that looks really easy to apply.

There IS a learning curve to it. The foam applicator they supply is the absolute worst way to apply it. Use a microfiber covered sponge to avoid streaks and problems. Using too much product is the biggest mistake first time users make along with not having the surface properly prepared. I have both it and the Ultima wipe on & walk away sealant. I consider the Ultima to be far superior to the Optima but that's just my opinion. The Ultima is more expensive but the correct applicator comes with it and there are no streaking problems (or any problems) whatsoever. Again, just my opinion owning and having used both on my own and customer's cars.
Originally Posted By: RTexasF
Originally Posted By: Glen871
Thanks for the info guys. I may also look into Opti-Seal as I saw a video of it being used and that looks really easy to apply.

There IS a learning curve to it. The foam applicator they supply is the absolute worst way to apply it. Use a microfiber covered sponge to avoid streaks and problems. Using too much product is the biggest mistake first time users make along with not having the surface properly prepared. I have both it and the Ultima wipe on & walk away sealant. I consider the Ultima to be far superior to the Optima but that's just my opinion. The Ultima is more expensive but the correct applicator comes with it and there are no streaking problems (or any problems) whatsoever. Again, just my opinion owning and having used both on my own and customer's cars.

I was wondering about the applicator that comes with the Opti-Seal. Thanks for setting me straight on that. I hadn't heard of the Ultima product but it looks like something I may look into even though it's more expensive.

As far as the Poorboy's, I suppose I could just include it as part of a larger order to justify the shipping. I've just started researching all these new sealants. There's so much stuff out there now that it makes your head spin.
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