Please Read: BITOG forums migrating to Xenforo

The latest threads column can probably be moved but Wayne has said he is limiting customization that's done.
When someone replies to a post without quoting the text, the old board used to show you who they were responding to, didn't it? Does it show that somewhere now and I'm just not seeing it? It was considered better etiquette to not always quote someone but now I find it confusing if they do not.
When someone replies to a post without quoting the text, the old board used to show you who they were responding to, didn't it? Does it show that somewhere now and I'm just not seeing it? It was considered better etiquette to not always quote someone but now I find it confusing if they do not.
I 'replied' to your post by hitting 'Reply', which in UBB terms means 'Quote'.
When I just type a response, then I wasn't necessarily responding to any one person.
Right, but back in the old days when you used the quick response box at the bottom of the page it defaulted to "responding" to the OP which was sometimes misleading. So I tried to be careful to hit "reply" beforehand so it showed who I was responding to, even if I did not quote any text.

Now when you respond without quoting no one knows who you are talking to, so unless it is just a generic response to the topic (like you did above) then one should always quote if it is a response to some specific post or person
Yes, if you want to specifically respond to something someone said, then hit reply on their post, or highlight the text you want to reply to from their post.
I had too make a new account. When I click on forgot password I tried all four emails I've ever used. It told the email address was not in the database.
Message Wayne (wwillson)
Tonight has to be the most annoying login to me yet - and with no controversial debates … don‘t like the new distraction of icons, has the bob is the Pennzoil guy banner gotten more obnoxious, and the Like, Like, Like, blows a whole screen …
Rant over …
This is awesome software.
The more you look the more you find.
It would work for my needs. Very impressive.
Thanks All!
Still awesome
This is the bomb seriously
I have had tons of forum software and most had all kinds of issues just getting people logged in.
Was a big problem. You constantly find new goodies here

Was this the old mobile format? When I visited the other day the site was like this in this format. I remember it being similar to this a few months before I joined when I started reading the site originally but don’t remember if it was exactly this. I was on my computer mainly then. I didn’t ask anyone about it because I didn’t want to be considered crazy 🙂. I definitely agree though I love Xenforo. The site is easy to use. Two of my other forums is Xenforo it’s similar but not exactly the same and then one of my other forums is moving on to Xenforo too which I am excited for.
Was this the old mobile format? When I visited the other day the site was like this in this format.
It will never (it can't) revert to the format/design/look of the old software. What happened, and wwilson already explained, isn't uncommon at various websites. Basically a hiccup while it was loading the page data. I've seen this happen on news sites, other forums, etc, etc.